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Recent content by ya_ali

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    Saudis Fear Iranian Control Of Yemen Due To This Strategic Choke Point

    and Yemenies children and women are the sacrifice of tyranny Saudie kingdom and her illegal intrests. be sure that Yemen is the necropolis of hagborn Saudies regime.
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    Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

    approximately all of iranian hate MEK (monafeghin) amd more than them Maryam and Masoud Rajavi
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    Iranian RQ-170 Real or Fake ?

    I think SOHEIL is right
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    Ghaher 313 fighter

    I think that Iran usually after 5-10 years after compeleting its basic military projects unveils them . just like azarakhsh and saegheh fighter jets which 10 years later unveiled them.
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    F-14 AM, new Iranian modernized F-14, capable firing Fakur missile

    I think the "fakur" is based on the name of shahid (martyr)general Fakury the comander of IRIAF at iran-iraq war era
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    Ghaher 313 fighter

    take it easy as you know somone s brain worthes more than 5 bilions $ because that never has worked. every awake human will see iran s progression in all asppects soon.
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    Iran Military News

    mr. fatman thanks for your wrong and false informations about iran army.
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