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Recent content by westwind

  1. W

    Vietnam's Su-27s mount first Spratly patrols from Phu Cat

    not a dream. It is the truth if the Vietnamese resort to war.
  2. W

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    The individual components are on their way to China:yahoo: Don't worry. It is just a guess:coffee: or maybe a truth?
  3. W

    Iran shows film of captured US drone

    the Iranian recovered it? or it is a fake?
  4. W

    i mean 'no comment' is our democracy.:coffee:
  5. W

  6. W

    China has U.S. anti-missile tech

    Have you just gotten away from the madhouse?:coffee:
  7. W

    Amazing China

    传说中的中央台 大裤衩??:rofl:
  8. W

    China's official media shows shot down a U.S U - 2

    yes, you are right. we are helpless. we can shoot down any manmade plane flying over our heads. but our goverment simply does not allow doing so. for china,the stability of the regime is everything...:coffee:
  9. W

    help: a question which has nothing to do with military

  10. W

    help: a question which has nothing to do with military

    from a propaganda point of view,it was easy to identify a campaign issue that could fit on a bumper sticker or be conveyed in a 30-second television spot." Can anyone translate the English phrase into Chinese for me? thx!:coffee::coffee:
  11. W

    Guy relax on Taiwan

  12. W

    China Suspends U.S. Military Ties on Taiwan Arms Sale

    their democracy has been fu@king everything.
  13. W

    Obama administration announces $6.4 billion arms sale package to Taiwan

    you are showing off,since opium war:coffee:
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