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Recent content by uk29

  1. uk29

    Delhi: 56 shanties gutted in blaze at Rohingya refugee camp.

    Must be hard living in India with so much hate against Hindus .... I feel u
  2. uk29

    Will revisit Article 370: Says Indian congress leader

    Heyy where is the mega protest and whatnot promised by imran khan in aug 6 2019 ? Its been almost 3 years m waiting
  3. uk29

    Maldives for Pakistani's

    Maldives dont need helpers right now bruvzz bangaldeshis are available right now
  4. uk29

    A Pakistani's Visit to India

    How can high HDI nordic purple eyed millionare aryan **** even come to India just blows my mind SMH
  5. uk29

    Is India the only country that denies it's creation by European colonialists?

    Is baaang ladesh only country that denies its creation by a country that denies its creation by europe ?
  6. uk29

    Delhi: 56 shanties gutted in blaze at Rohingya refugee camp.

    Bahut bura hua bruvzz Abdul pehle apni to bachale ... Kagazz taiyaar rakh
  7. uk29

    Kamala Harris appoints Indian-American Sabrina Singh as her press seecretary

    For me it is indicative of high power post our people have secured in the most powerful country , so i wish luck and more power to our indian americans... Hope their "lobby" gets even more powerful
  8. uk29

    Kamala Harris appoints Indian-American Sabrina Singh as her press seecretary

    Who said anything about supporting trump or modi ? Just that i thought that you were hoping for a trump win .... If you support democrats in us and congress in India fine by me ... It should be principled ... Just like Pakistanis here are hoping for a far right leader to win in usa but have a...
  9. uk29

    Kamala Harris appoints Indian-American Sabrina Singh as her press seecretary

    Who would have thought that shantanu "left" would be a far right trumo supporter... Crazy right
  10. uk29

    Why there was no India on 14th August 1947?

    There was no india in 14th August 1947 when pakistani flag was raised in karachi , Pakistani subcontinent , part of british pakRaj, located above pakistani ocean ... And in pakistani tectonic plate
  11. uk29

    No More Gurkhas For Indian Army As Nepal FM Declares 1947 Treaty "Redundant"

    Still these people believe on stuff like martial race ... Haha british poodles
  12. uk29

    No More Gurkhas For Indian Army As Nepal FM Declares 1947 Treaty "Redundant"

    Last timebi heard martial race pakistanis were beaten by Bangladeshis like anything .... You remember ?
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