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Recent content by thetutle

  1. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Dont act shocked, you have nothing against killing babies and children. You celebrate genocide during Passover. All religions have strange stuff, but this is shocking. But I do think the attack against you was ill conceived and not advisable. But we will see. I also thought Taliban fight...
  2. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    No, Fox News will explain that Christ was an anti-semite. They will call for his crusifiction.
  3. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Hehehe everything they say is a lie, I would not wast a brain cell watching anything that comes out of them.
  4. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    At 24 seconds a Bosnian youth ushers the veiled lady away from confronting the arsehole. Bosnians are so non-confrontational, much too soft.
  5. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Of course not, its just a discussion forum No, they wont be allowed to return. They wont allow them to return. I dont know what Hamas tried, but I can tell you that conquering land without air defence systems, anti tank system and a secure line of logistics is not going to successful. So if...
  6. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I totally understand you. people are acting like if Palestinians leave Gaza they have lost it forever. Like they will never get it back. What the heck is wrong with people? is this rational behaviour? It's flat desert terrain. it can be taken back in a few days when the conditions are right...
  7. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Demographics of western countries is critical to Palestine issue. It will dictate how the 70 year long war finishes. I'm saying that once western countries stop being bastions of white privilege and white people lose absolute control many are going to leave, myself included. I would not stay in...
  8. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Just watching this lady who has been evacuated to Bosnia and her horrific experiences, she's half Bosnian so thats why she has been evacuated. Nothing too interesting except one remarkable fact she pointed out, One remarkable point. Her husband has 12 sisters. For Israel to actually win, they...
  9. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Absolutely. They are totally screwed. And there is actually nothing they can do about it. Most of them know it I suspect. Yes white protestant churches are occupied much like Gaza and West Bank. The preachers must get paid by Juice to spew that nonsense and pervert christian ideology. Younger...
  10. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    https://www.faktor.ba/vijest/posjetili-smo-salakovac-evakuirani-iz-gaze-svjedoce-svijet-gleda-uzivo-genocid-cetiri-sata-smo-stajali-u-redu-za-hljeb-dok-granatiraju/216912 These are Gaza refugees arriving in Bosnia. They were evacuated because they had some connection with Bosnia. The lady...
  11. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Absolutely. America is almost not a white country anymore, I didnt think it would happen in my lifetime. I cant believe it. I simply cant believe it. It's happening after than I ever through it would. But whites being 49% is not enough. Trust me, even when whites are 30% they will control the...
  12. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    if they know they will be destroyed anyway, it would be utter madness to return any of them. everyone landgrabs. But you didnt landgrab, it was just given to you. You are Armenians 2.0 You just have a better backer. Enjoy it while you can. I don't think you'll keep it much longer. It's...
  13. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    True, only a military defeat can stop them. this will happen, but not with the current weapons. None of these mines and RPG's seem to do very much. We ahem all seem ukraine tank cook offs. We see what it looks like when an APC or tank blows up. There is total destruction. This is nothing, and...
  14. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Beautiful stuff. This will ensure we dont get another genocide of any muslims under Turkish sphere of influence. Tactical nukes would also help. But hey. Sadly no-one will give this to the Palestinians.
  15. T

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Just to clarify, we were supported by NATO for the last 2 months of the 3.5 year war. and when we were 10km from the biggest serb city and they started running back to Serbia, NATO told us to stop our advance or they would bomb us. If NATO left us alone for 3 more weeks, there would be no serbs...
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