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  1. The Next Door

    CHINESE TRUCK Drivers welcomed warmly at Gawadar.

    That's good things are getting done
  2. The Next Door

    President Trump

    Yes they are supporting because they know Hillary is very clever and an expert Statesmen and Donald don't know any thing he may divide America in race colour and creed
  3. The Next Door

    President Trump

    Days are not same American can't do any thing big They will b challenged by Russia and China by military and economic fronts
  4. The Next Door

    President Trump

    At least now every thing is clear we Pakistani have a reason to leave American circle Now we can also say that American are nation of hatters , racism etc
  5. The Next Door

    Don't escalate situation with Pakistan: Kerry to Sushma Swaraj:

    Oh India listen your daddy or daddy America will kick your ***
  6. The Next Door

    Pakistan plans to attack selected targets in India after surgical strikes

    Surgical strikes in Pakistan are totally lie At night Indians violated loc 2 Pakistani soldiers killed Pakistan respond and Killed 8 Indian soldiers and captured one alive
  7. The Next Door

    Was Pakistan the real target behind the Afghan invasion by the US?

    Well to my view USA tried to hit two targets with one arrow Their main objective was to tackle Pakistan nukes and to destabilize it and they also planned to over throw Taliban's government because they always take a country ruled by Muslims laws as a threat
  8. The Next Door

    Turkey's Erdogan unnerves West with Putin visit

    Well I appreciate your action and ask you to just wait for reaction
  9. The Next Door

    Why Arabs lost all its wars to Israel despite outnumbering Israel in weapons and manpower?

    Oh man people like you never understand every one know about this I provide you Wikipedia link you can search you will get results and if you still don't understand leave it reality will not change and it's 100% right you can ask any one
  10. The Next Door

    Why Arabs lost all its wars to Israel despite outnumbering Israel in weapons and manpower?

    Not Pakistani clame it's europ and american controlled Wikipedia which is saying that more over Jordan government honoured two Pakistani air force pilots who shot down Israeli planes Israeli weren't even able to put scratch on Pakistan air force planes
  11. The Next Door

    1965 War Documentary Fath-e-Mobin

    http://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/ARMY/images/Poona%2520Horse.pdf&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwifzrngrvHNAhVEVhQKHemNB6kQFggdMAQ&usg=AFQjCNEqnOQrEALc28J2wuzqzdNz-uZtDw Read this...
  12. The Next Door

    Indian army major 's open letter to burhan wani

    Same old way to suppress Kashmir movement and to divide them and after death of wani letter was written if this major is so brave then he should write this letter in front him and before his death Burhan was a hero if he was a doctor or engineer no one had known him but today he is role model of...
  13. The Next Door

    Why Arabs lost all its wars to Israel despite outnumbering Israel in weapons and manpower?

    I only know that Pakistan air force also participated and shoot down several Israeli plane successfully On other hand Pakistan even didn't lost a single plane https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War Search page and writer Pakistan and you will get result
  14. The Next Door

    Islamabad nudges UN veto club on Kashmir

    Many people are posting on other comments but remember one thing I know that many people will disagree but I will say again remember that if Pakistan has to get Kashmir back then we will have to rise kashmiri youth to fight for their freedom and country we have to arm and train them again and...
  15. The Next Door

    1965 War Documentary Fath-e-Mobin

    Yes I remember that there was armoured brigade named Puna Horse Pakistan even removed their sign form battle field
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