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  1. S

    Navy designs India’s largest ever ship, focuses on stealth and futuristic f

    That's exactly why we are stronger than India and taken more seriously in the international community. India is only given attention when the someone wants a favour from India. This is why we will always remain ahead if India.
  2. S

    Indigenous aircraft carrier made of special steel

    :lol: sorry but there is absolutely NOTHING indigenous about weapons in the Indian military. They are all foreign components assembled in India. That is NOT what's called indigenous. Not even 10% of components inside an Indian weapons platform is made by India. I think Indians don't understand...
  3. S

    India tops U.S. green card by citizenship country list in 2013

    India is losing its best talent to western countries.
  4. S

    North Korea says Japan has crossed military ‘danger line’

    The Mayans were right, it's only a matter of time before human civilization destroys itself.
  5. S

    Images suggest China's first carrier under construction

    Can someone describe what Type 001A, Type 002 and Type 003 will look like? I've heard the Type 001A is an indigenous replica of the Liaoning. Is this correct? What about the Type 002 and Type 003?
  6. S

    Sri Lanka Opens $500 Million Port Built by China

    We control the Indian economy. Without our goods, 99% of Indians would living like Africans. They need our affordable goods.
  7. S

    Staying up late to watch swimming world championships

    In the London Olympics, the track & field event results were USA win 9 gold and 29 overall. Russia finished second with 8 gold and 17 overall.
  8. S

    Staying up late to watch swimming world championships

    In 2016, we will still be behind the US. But I hope we cut down America's lead in swimming. Chinese swimmers need to peak for major international events like the Americans do. In athletics, East Asians can compete in field events like shot put, javelin throw, high jump, long jump, triple jump...
  9. S

    Is China’s economy actually growing by 7.5%? No, not really

    Veeky, you have to stop getting so emotional and look at this from a rational perspective. Why do you think the Indian rupee is collapsing?
  10. S

    China Reveals New Short-Range Missile

    More missiles to pummel our enemies back to the Stone Age. :china:
  11. S

    Is China’s economy actually growing by 7.5%? No, not really

    India is part of the global economy and a HUGE importer of everything. Zimbabwe might be growing in their own currency, it's irrelevant since in $ terms they are collapsing. Same thing with India. Indian economy is shrinking and investors have lost confidence in the Indian economy which is...
  12. S

    Scenario: India vs China in an Himalayas war

    Indian military is just a rag tag joke.
  13. S

    Staying up late to watch swimming world championships

    This American woman named Kate Ledecky has been shaving massive chunks of her personal best and breaking world records but western media don't even question how she did it. It's only how awesome she is. But when a non-white swimmer does it, the western media starts their propaganda campaign how...
  14. S

    Decline of China: Identifying China's Successors

    The white man is trying to destroy China though.
  15. S

    UK: 3 Sikhs convicted of attacking Lt General Kuldip Singh Brar

    Hopefully the Sikhs will get their independent country from those radical Hindus. I've seen massive Sikh protests against that despotic Hindu regime that massacred a million innocent Sikhs in operation blue star. The Sikhs will never forget how their women and children were burnt alive by Hindu...
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