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Recent content by shineonyoucrazydiamond

  1. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    What freedom of speech are you guys talking about? Please read what freedom of speech indicates... She clearly abuses that right FYI....
  2. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Ya like the Kashmir issue carries a lot of weight and doesn't affect us an inch.. Media will fire and forget, she is not the first in the race.. Chasing a dream which is pretty much a dream and will die as one..
  3. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Hi, No, I am not insecure but a normal Indian citizen who is tired of listening to all this stupidity on daily basis.. Like me, there are many frustrated a$$es living around India...
  4. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Only Pakistan, Let me tell you the world that exists... USA ISRAEL EUROPE RUSSIA CHINA - Major players.. No one gives a damn about her, ohh ya Pakistan does but we don't give a damn about Pakistan..
  5. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Twist and turn!! World is more bothered about Pakistan than India... So your claim is just a fallacy that world would come together to raise voice against a, a watever...
  6. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Martyr? She should be hanged in public, I believe in India and Indians and if we wish to live that way, she has no right to say whatever comes to her mind..
  7. S

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Lol except Pakistan no one cares what India will do to her.. Come to her rescue if you have the guts..
  8. S

    India made electronic warfare systems for IAF Mig-29s and LCA

    So let me make a bold statement, it is not completely ours, may be a secret, but I really don't mind keeping such secrets. If India can spend 2 B dollars on AMCA which is nowhere near to reality, it can surely employee brightest brain from anywhere in the world to get things done for herself..
  9. S

    India made electronic warfare systems for IAF Mig-29s and LCA

    Can someone explain the relevance of these systems? What are they and how does it help?
  10. S

    26/11 Lawsuite against ISI & LeT..

    There's no need as such to close the thread but the decision rests with Mods. If such threads lead to abuses then I would definitely support closing down such topics.
  11. S

    Kaveri Engine Project update

    No offence but aren't they coming too close.. :P
  12. S

    North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

    Is there anything going on or we are just discussing on and on? Any more retaliation or exchange of fire?
  13. S

    Pakistan stops Al-Qaeda offensive?

    Give them some idea.. shed some light of hope educated the uneducated..
  14. S

    North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

    I like your posts Sir... Regards
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