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Recent content by sherryxyz

  1. sherryxyz

    A Question from Shahid Afridi

    why afridi is saying this repeatedly, i think there is some serious story behind this comment
  2. sherryxyz

    Pakistani brothers 'dug up corpse and made it into curry'

    so bengali brother???, how was throwing stones on international cricketers after 58 run defeat felt like???
  3. sherryxyz

    Sachin Tendulkar rules out immediate retirement

    my od, is he to stay till his death, he should make way for other youngsters, india is for every one not just for him, he is being selfish
  4. sherryxyz

    Indian Media Responsible for Worsening India-Pakistan Relationship - Afridi

    you will have to prove this point, our media diesnt harm other people like indians, they are more to harm pakistanis ourselves, they produce more negatives on us then any indian or african
  5. sherryxyz

    PDF Diaspora?

    why have you done this????????, a bachi with beard is fugly
  6. sherryxyz

    PDF Diaspora?

    who's avatar is real your or his, i think his is real!!
  7. sherryxyz

    PDF Diaspora?

    no my intention was different, i just wanna know...
  8. sherryxyz

    Japan says no thanks to Korean nuclear experts help

    i think you are wrong, looking down is other thing and bein self respect is other, but u live closer to them and with them so u must know better... i think being the second biggest economy in the world means that other country cant help them, they can help themselves better
  9. sherryxyz

    Japan says no thanks to Korean nuclear experts help

    waow man just waow!!!, you label the japanese habit to work hard and not to accept any helping hand as racist??? i am very proud of them, japanese are really proud people!!!, you should also be proud of them that even in a disaster they are not troubling other nations in their misery...
  10. sherryxyz

    Aleem Dar's 100% record in WC!

    where is my god aleem daar, if indians can have human gods, why cant i have god aleem!!!, your index finger in the finger ofgod, and your eyes are god given, he didnt even fail in the final while god tendulker did.... and shwed his blessings to indians, infact he is a bigger god then god sachin...
  11. sherryxyz

    Why Younis Khan had to stop smiling

    i was actually laughing the way younis was playing he was simply playing like a child man!!!!!!!
  12. sherryxyz

    PDF Diaspora?

    which member is 40 yr old virgin here???
  13. sherryxyz

    Aleem Dar's 100% record in WC!

    a little.............................
  14. sherryxyz

    Aleem Dar's 100% record in WC!

    all hail god daar, he is our god now(nb) may you show your kindness to us pakistanis in future lol
  15. sherryxyz

    A Question from Shahid Afridi

    the guy has not given me answer, generating million dollars from hard workin dahravi people and still they live like slum dogs????
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