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Recent content by shchn2

  1. S

    China, Vietnam settle long-disputed land border

    we can sort it out in some very peaceful manner, that is Vietnam just needs to give it up completely. we can also sort it out in some not that peaceful manner, in which I would expect my navy to destroy the whole Vietnamese navy force and bring peace to that part of sea in the next few...
  2. S

    China Planning for An Aircraft carrier

    please check our history of military, we NEVER pay for anything major that can't be reproduced in China. actually, in the 1980s, the west even offered an aircraft carrier at damn low price, almost like free, we said "No, thanks" because a toy you can't build yourself in your backyard is just...
  3. S

    China Planning for An Aircraft carrier

    No. That aircraft carrier will be named as "Chenggong" and be used for training purpose. Two 60000 tons aircraft carriers will be built in Shanghai's Changxing shipyard and they will be named as "Beijing" and "Shanghai".
  4. S

    Fifth Generation Indo-Russian Fighter Aircraft to be Ready by 2017

    The airports and roads of real significance against China are just being built now The MBTs of real significance against China are just being built now The fighters of real significance against China are just being built now could you please just tell me what you have on hand now other than...
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    Fifth Generation Indo-Russian Fighter Aircraft to be Ready by 2017

    the real issue is how many jokes our Indian friends wanna play. they have been working on their Land Crashing Aircraft for decades, nothing got ready yet, now they are rolling out this "fifth generation" fighter. what a huge load of junk?! the important thing in any R&D is to get some...
  6. S

    China, Vietnam settle long-disputed land border

    because they got almost unlimited support from China/Russia. I have family members fought there for years helping them defending the invasion.
  7. S

    SY-400 guided rocket system

    I would like to remind you that the tallest man in your country is a Chinese named Yao Min. Wal Mart? The US bond current being hold by China can buy multiple Walmarts.
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