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  1. S

    why majority of Martial and Caucasoid castes converted to Islam ?

    You love talking about other caste's looks don't you? Let's talk about your own. I don't see what is so special about punjabs. Average punjabis that i have met look something like these men: Punjabi and Sindhi Brahma Khatri caste members: :what: Except for few shades lighter skin, they...
  2. S

    Children of the Indus

    You are rewording facts to make it sound like Pakistanis and Indians are genetically very different.But genetically they are not very different,as both of them fall on South Asian cline. If a Pakistani is 30% South Indian, 50% Baloch and 20% other (like SW Asian,Caucasian,NE Euro) And a Indian...
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