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Recent content by sal71

  1. S

    China 'is fuelling war in Darfur'

    BBC spread unnecessary propoganda, just before Olympics in china i was worried it might be sabbatoged due to lots of negative press reports on China mainly regarding Tibet. Why did it has to come to surface before Olympics. Clearly was an attempt by western media to defame The great Chinese...
  2. S

    Photographs of Ajmal Kassab

    The video dont really show anything. I repeat it is not difficult for agencies especially when there are two or three agencies collobarating i.e mossad, raw and possibly cia to create something like this. Not enough evidence has been given, and if it has it has been clumsy. Ajmal could easily...
  3. S

    Photographs of Ajmal Kassab

    double role it is when the pictures suggests that. My point is man with the gun is an agent or used as a decoy for the real Ajmal who has been held my indians for a while. It has been known that indians have various pakistani people in thier custody wating to be used somehow. It was only...
  4. S

    Indian films losing audience in Pakistan

    I guess the latest bollywood reality movie called 'Mumbai Blasts' starting Ajmal Kassab in double role (one as Ajmal Kassai and one as Ajmal Kassab) flopped big time in pakistan and has put them off indian movies. Ans also it was too long ran over for three days.
  5. S

    Banning TV channels

    Since 2007 I have had my doubts on GEO. One example how they covered the civil movements, lawyers that destabilised pakistan and then how their coverage was against Musharraf.
  6. S

    Photographs of Ajmal Kassab

    Please kindly look at pictures of alledged ajmal where he is at railway station and in another where is alone. And Then look at the one where he is captured showing his face only, photo of his face. Now tell me is that the same person. IMO no way, they are two different people. So called Ajmal...
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