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  • Trump thinks it is easy to sanction Pakistan. Indeed, Pakistan is full of corruption, yet it has capability to face USA.
    No Comments on Foreign Policy - As it does not worth much... Every time we have altered it like a child's game.
    Pak's diplomacy needs a great improvement - It has to be neutral and specific to the country's national interest.
    If there would be a little interfere of KSA or Iran in Burma, definitely this would be a world issue and Pak might have stayed w/ KSA.
    Can corruption in Pakistan be eradicated ? A big "NO".
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    Sada Hussain
    Sada Hussain
    Every single institution of Pakistan is filled with plenty of corruption whether it is politics, ministries, bureaucracy and judiciary. How can we achieve such a level? Even it is a hard task to eradicate corruption from a single well known department like FIA, ANF, FBR, Passports, and more.
    Actually its not particular with Pakistan. Democratic system has an inherent loop hole, and that is corruption. Be it Germany, be it America or else where, corruption is ubiquitous. It can be reduced though, like from 100% to may be 5%. Pakistan needs a revolution from its middle class. PTI is surely not the answer.
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    Sada Hussain
    Sada Hussain
    Partially, I agree with you, but there is a huge difference between corruption in America, Germany, etc. as compared to that in Pakistan. It's not Democratic System that creates vacuum for corruption, instead, it's leadership that turns it towards corruption. However, these countries are also developing day by day, whereas Pakistan is just drawing more and more loans from IMF and ADB.
    2/2 The need of the hour is strong surveillance system and high voltage electric wired fencing on pak side of afghan border.
    1/2 Pak cannot abandon Afghanistan due to regional conspiracies, security challenges and daily business. So how to ensure border security?
    #Fact, Both Tehran and Riyadh play proxies inside Pakistan and then they accuse Pakistan of supporting terrorism. Hats Off Logic.
    Russia and China have strongly backed Pakistan over Trump's stupid remarks. Tehran has also announced its support. Where is KSA and IMAFT?
    US, Russia and China are playing on the front - I guess its time for making an alliance with China. Stay neutral at Russia-US Rivalry.
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