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I'm an internet researcher with strong interest in Pakistani politics. I am proud to have served this country in the army, the federal government and in private sectors.

I am delighted to note that Pakistan is changing. In so doing, it is emerging as a serious force to reckon with. Soon, the interests of many other global players will be tied to those of Pakistan.

As a nation, we must fully appreciate the immense possibilities that the future offers to us. As responsible beings and as the only Muslim nuclear power, we have to use our resources to eliminate world problems and bring relief to the impoverished Muslim communities around the world.

That can only happen when we instill the right values in our people and offer them equal opportunities in every sphere of life. Unless merit becomes the norm in Pakistan as it is in our armed forces for instance, Pakistan will not achieve the peaks it is destined for. And that is an unacceptable, unthinkable consequence.

We must do everything capacity to eliminate such possibility. For that, we need to come hard on the enemies of merit and promoters of inefficiency in this country. While fight against corruption is a start, it is just that. A lot more needs to be done to cleanse the house and its institutions that have been grossly abused under leaderships of Sharifs n Zardaris who have only brought disgrace to this country both internally and externally.
Jul 27, 1985 (Age: 38)
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I found you via Feedly app. I think that I'll add good value to your platform both as a recipient of other members' views and as originator of some of my own ideas.


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