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Recent content by relent8

  1. R

    Things to do before condeming Musharraf

    Happy 14th of August everybody. :pakistan: Just to make it clear. By going after Musharraf we are certainly not "fixing one thing at a time". We are doing injustice overall. The politicians talking of accounting Musharraf are doing so because of their own personal agendas which include...
  2. R

    Where did the $10 Billion US Aid to Pakistan go?

    Thankyou for posting the article tamimkhan. In the past I had read an article clearing these same doubts but written by another group or person. So I already knew these facts, but its good to revise the memory again. The thing is that like this mis-conception of 10 billion dollars, the...
  3. R

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    so you figured out that I dont support NS or Zardari? oh heck im exposed!!!!! As far as using the words Ganja for NS goes, what..isn't he Ganja? and if all the mannerism ends when its not being used against NS or Zardari, then sorry its you who need to read the rules not me.
  4. R

    Musharraf Ki Yaad AAyi Us Kay Janay Kay Baad

    During the era of which Leader...did Pakistan prosper in the majority of departments despite of that era being the one in which 9/11 took place and U.S went to hunt down the world. As a Pakistani..I care for those people who improved the image of Pakistan, (or atleast tried and succeeded...
  5. R

    Most Pakistanis against army rule

    Great.... another "survey". Majority of the nation doesn't know what is good or bad for them, and the evidence in this regard comes from the fact that our people base their opinions after watching Talk shows and listening to journalists who have been mastering in yellow journalism during the...
  6. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    ilovef16, I still suggest you to take an in-depth look at what Musharraf achieved for the country both economically and politically, especially compared to the past PML-N and PPP tenures. And while doing that keep in your mind that when anyone says that economy during his time was great, they...
  7. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    If you had a whisker's worth of curiosity of knowing the true picture, your thoughts would have been different. Don't be a ignorant, don't fool yourself.
  8. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    Yet their media, the people who dont belong to those movements, their politicians, their "common" man,doesnt get obsessesd about it nor do they whine about it 24/7 . Their main prioroty and action still remains to promote thier country up front, no matter how many internal issues there might be...
  9. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    No. I dont see them being ignorant nor do they lack unity. Which keeps a check on their politicans to not stray too much off the line.
  10. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    No. But we are certainly not united, are emotional, are 50% illiterate, have corrupts, have idealists, are unthankful,have short memories, are ignorant, have no morale values, hell bent on promoting ethnicism, infact we love it. Is there any country having alltogether these "bad" qualities...
  11. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    A minority is a minority because its not brainwashed. Its Pakistan, if you've forgot
  12. R

    Musharraf era was much better as compared to present rule: Rashid Qureshi

    You should have done better than the same shallow rant we all hear from Mr.Idealism and Mr.Foreign each hour of the day.
  13. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    Oh please...as if its hard to brainwash the "majority" of people in a country hijacked by feudal lords.
  14. R

    you still want musharaff back?

    The content in the first post of this thread makes just no sense with "you still want musharraf back?". Since all his supporters want him back due to the immense love for the country he has and due to the uncountable and unparalleled amount of sincere good work he has done for the unthankful...
  15. R

    Musharraf era was much better as compared to present rule: Rashid Qureshi

    good post Jihad:tup:. But in a country where complete illiterates, parhay likay jaahil, corrupts,unity lacking people and now idealists, are found in greater numbers, it'll be tough for someone with a realistic and mature approach to lead it. Musharraf tried his best but was too lenient on a...
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