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  1. regular

    China backs Argentina's sovereignty claim over the Malvinas islands

    So this means China got another A card against their rivals......:LOL:
  2. regular

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    I will believe in Iran if they realli have guts and develop nuke and show to the world like its self imposed enemy USA do.......otherwise all the claims of supremecy in technology is nothing by fairy tales or fantasies........:cheesy:
  3. regular

    Ghaher 313 fighter

    I hope this is real and not fantasy......:smitten:
  4. regular

    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Its so shame that we hear these kind of rape incidents still going on within the worlds biggest democratic country with mighty nuclear weapons.Its so unfortunate for the poor girls getting victims of ruthless rascal males there.Looks like human track record is still worst there.......:smokin:
  5. regular

    Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

    its same like Pak -Indian border...........:smokin:
  6. regular

    Taimur: Pakistan's ICBM?

    Yea I know because we don't want to hit your home cuz we care about you so much......:lol:
  7. regular

    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    but the sleepings are almost dead......can't do anything...:smokin:
  8. regular

    Pak Navy test-fires missile from warship

    Yes we can....Don't you remember the suitcase Nukes?.......:smokin:
  9. regular

    Turkey to build first domestic aircraft carrier

    Goodluck Turkey keep it up ....great planning and thinking on the right way....:smokin:
  10. regular

    Hatf 5 missile test fired successfully

    Yes looks like a training lauch to test the old stock to test their reliability , from time to time , nothing unusual........:smokin:
  11. regular

    CM-400AKG: Pakistan's supersonic carrier killer

    yes just the speed and nothing else.....:smokin:
  12. regular

    Japanese firms plan to shift units to Pakistan from India

    Excellent !!! Keep it up Japan....looks like ure future is safer over here with us....::smokin:
  13. regular

    FBI on the hunt for two senior Afghan spies missing in the US

    Wow! you too smart to know the amrikan plan well in advance......::)
  14. regular

    Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

    Why are we accumulating so much military stuff? Are we heading towards a military confrontation on large scale? I guess our new century is not leading us to a peaceful world within the very near future. Looks like the prediction of MAYA Calendar is gonna come true soon.....cuz the whole world is...
  15. regular

    Hugh White: U.S. should share power with China

    The humans are not animals and its not jungle. So don't make them act like animals. They shold respect each others on the basis of equality otherwise the destruction is waiting for everybody........:smokin:
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