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  • Rangerssg
    I hope you do not mind me contacting you. I hope that everything we say can be kept confidential until it is time to publish it. I am a journalist with a major British newspaper. I have a good reputation for publishing the truth that others want hidden and I am investigating your father's death. I do not believe he was killed by the militants and I believe the truth should be published. I can provide proof of who I am. If you do not feel comfortable talking to me about this please say so now. If you do feel comfortable talking to me on that basis then I will reveal my name and what I know. Please advise me whether you would want to talk about this and then email me with an address that we can talk away from this forum. Your suggestion on this forum that there is a military cover-up is very dangerous for your family when you do not need to put them in danger.
    a friend
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