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Recent content by r0ck

  1. r0ck

    Pakistan Day Parade On The Cards

    You see one of the points of any military parade is to instigate confidence and resolve of the masses into the military machinery. That is, this is one of the ways. Another way for achieving this can be, for instance, to justify the purchase of the single most expensive platform in PAF inventory...
  2. r0ck

    'Israel sells Pakistan military equipment'

    It is completely irrelevant if any country gives the most slight or most the serious considertaion to our international posture on relations with Israel. What is important is that we continue to present it, atleast, until the Palestenian issue is resolved.
  3. r0ck

    'Israel sells Pakistan military equipment'

    Pakistan can buy whatever it feels necessary from whomever including Israel. But the focal point is that we cannot be seen buying from Israel. This would have grave ramifications on our international posture. I believe if the instrument actually necessitates buying from Israel, provided...
  4. r0ck

    'Israel sells Pakistan military equipment'

    Thing is, and what people of such thinking fail to convey is, how does Pakistan stand to benefit from developing relations with Israel? A good reason for why Pakistan would want to let go of it's un-official claim of being the consortium of Islam and unwavering conscious / sub-conscious support...
  5. r0ck

    Israel concerned: Saudi Air Force to outnumber Israel's advanced US jet

    I suppose it appears that the only truly powerful aircraft in the PAF inventory is the Block 52. But it's important to point out that this perception is based on a commercial guess. In reality, the insides of the PAF inventory are atrociously clandestine for one to make an educated...
  6. r0ck

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    I think the respectable Think Tanks are looking this from an acute angle. This is causing a bit of a confusion among the masses. The reasons for upgrading / acquiring F16s have been prescribed more in the lines of expert level of ground crew, support staff, pilots, training etc, which obviously...
  7. r0ck

    Indians At It, Again

    What is even more amusing is the support provided to the more un-sane Indian members by the sane ones on the topic of 'obsession with Pakistan'. Wherever it is referred, they all sit in the same boat. Keep on giving unnecessary and useless arguments but not quashing their egos and accepting the...
  8. r0ck

    Asma Jehangir Blasts Pasha For meeting Mansoor Ijaz

    Leaving the comical attacks on Asma Jehangir's appearence aside, she seems to be on the offensive towards Pak Army / ISI in defense of her client. Legally offensive that is, of course. But considering the influence of ISI in Pakistan, it is hard to imagine that they did not have their own pool...
  9. r0ck

    ISI’s top secret letter unfolds new dimension of BB murder case: Dawn

    ISLAMABAD: Exactly six years after the brutal assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a letter of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), country’s top intelligence outfit, has revealed that the extremists groups related to al Qaeda have had their plan to assassinate Benazir Bhutto six days earlier then...
  10. r0ck

    Suspicions persist as Imran becomes larger-than-life

    'Meh. Usual rants. Nothing of great importance. Though am afraid this would get a lot worse as the election campaign nears. Good luck to Imran for that. Regardless, so what even if the 'establishment' is supporting him. In fact, it would be a lot better that way because then this would...
  11. r0ck

    The core contradiction

    The current 'democratically elected government' is a farce, especially when it's being lead by the biggest of 'em all, our very own Mr. Zardari. Whenever I hear support of this term these days, I cannot help but question the OPs analytical judgment and their fundamental understanding of...
  12. r0ck

    Petition seeks removal of ISI chief: Dawn

    Nobody is hanging / toppling our civilian leadership. The disgracing part can only be attributed as a result of their own actions. If it were the case, then Zardari & co. would've been topppled / hanged a long, long time ago. Even now after all this mess they remain on their seats. I think that...
  13. r0ck

    Taliban not the Enemy: Biden - Taliban Confirm Office in Qatar

    What a load of tripe! It's as if you wage a war on a country but say hey the army of that country is not our enemy. Like Mr. T of the A-Team would say; "But that's who you wagin' a war against fool" Ohh...the irony of American jingoism and hypocrisy, and since some people are gonna...
  14. r0ck

    Petition seeks removal of ISI chief: Dawn

    I think you're overly generalising here and getting carried away with your feelings based on bygone eras. Firstly, sticking to the point, the petitioner has asked that the ISI chief resigns based on a mere rumor, which unlike the 'memo' has no transcript and also has no confirmation on it's...
  15. r0ck

    Petition seeks removal of ISI chief: Dawn

    ...... Moving on. This was never part of the memo. It's an allegation that started circulating after the memo. So legally, there is no connection of this allegation with the memo. It is completely separate. Also, unlike the memo which was confirmed by Adm. Mike Mullen, a notebale...
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