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Recent content by PeterSon_12k

  1. P

    Clean Coal Power

    With the advance of clean coal burning technologies and with the abundance of coal supplies we have in the United States of America, 250 years worth, it makes sense to look into using coal to generate our electricity far off into the future. Both coal mines and the coal industry as well as...
  2. P

    Viability of Thar Coal Mining Company

    Clean Coal technology, in which the carbon dioxide produced by burning the black stuff is captured and stored, is being heavily promoted as an answer to global warming by many in the power and coal mining industries. Coal combustion is also the country's largest source of mercury poisoning...
  3. P

    Clean Coal Power

    Electricity can be generated using Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) syngas as feedstock by the following methods: * Combustion in a Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) * Combustion in a boiler to produce steam to drive a steam turbine The main advantage of UCG syngas as feedstock for...
  4. P

    Viability of Thar Coal Mining Company

    The oil industry has been pumping carbon dioxide into aging wells to increase production for decades and the ability to keep the gas underground is being tested in several large-scale projects, including the Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring & Storage project in Canada. The C02 for that project...
  5. P

    Oil's Crash Stirs Unrest in Russia as Slump Hits Home

    The carbon dioxide captured by the project will be pumped into the ground to recover oil.The planned Norwegian plant would strip out 2.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. The gas could then be piped or shipped to offshore oil or gas fields, where it could be buried deep below the seabed.
  6. P

    Clean Coal Power

    Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) clean coal technology is a proven underground combustion process, which produces a synthetic gas or syngas at the surface that can be economically used for a variety of purposes including: * Production of liquid fuels using Coal To Liquids technology *...
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