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Recent content by Peregrine

  1. Peregrine

    KSA to sell more oil to India

    Saudis have Intentions to disrupt our business transactions with Iran, which are vital for our energy requirements and ailing economy. Meanwhile they are casual in their dealins with our enemy.....which exposes their double standards. As for nukes proliferation....If Pakistan shared some nuke...
  2. Peregrine

    Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

    Uncessary personal attack.....He is entitled to his opinion as much you or any other person on the forum.
  3. Peregrine

    KSA to sell more oil to India

    A ' Feeble Conspiracy Theory' at best. Even the Americans will not fall for some thing as stupid as this......and if we are going to consider rumours then the chances of Pakistani nukes winding up in Saudis hands are more brighter than they are for the Iranians. Pakistan's bomb and Saudi Arabia
  4. Peregrine

    Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

    Unlike the Americans, we have a strict code of conduct. Here women dont mingle with men or go to bars with them and dance like they do in west.......Interpersonal interactions are confined to profession only.
  5. Peregrine

    Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

    Great achievement indeed! I wish her success.:cheers:
  6. Peregrine

    KSA to sell more oil to India

    Trust me, if Iran had nukes the world would have known by now.....Kindly dont drag in your conspiracy theories.
  7. Peregrine

    Sun on shoulders, Wind in Hair

    After being at the pinnacle of power for two decades, Americans paranoia has increased ten fold....which offcourse is understandable under the pretext that any country would want to remain clinging to the spot where USA stands. However, in the wake of that, all this struggle to stay on top, is...
  8. Peregrine

    Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

    Inorder to nourish and spread your lowsome propoganda, denial and deception seems to be your main feeders.....and as usual this is exactly what is expected of you....... But you are gonna have to try harder than your inane subjective rants to make people believe them, which are now being...
  9. Peregrine

    Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

    Sister Cheroke! You have an acute case of 'Islamophobia' and as expected you would go the extra mile to guard your twisted dogmas......And I hate to be the be the one for breaking it to you, but your "fawning belly-dance" here might have got your jewish lords drooling.....but in the face of...
  10. Peregrine

    Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

    That Borat guy is always trying to make Muslims look bad and it doesnt come as a surprise that he is a devout jewish.
  11. Peregrine

    KSA to sell more oil to India

    Its a simple equation of national interests and not quadratics.......if my previous two posts couldn't make you understand then nothing will.
  12. Peregrine

    KSA to sell more oil to India

    Gas from Iran is more crucial for Pakistan then the "Saudi oil on deferred payment". Besides the point here is not what India is getting and how. The focus is on Saudis hypocrisy, they dont want us to do BUSINESS with Iran, but they can do with ours? As for China, really stupid contrast...
  13. Peregrine

    KSA to sell more oil to India

    And then Saudis say why Pakistanis criticise them. They are dealing with our enemy, but dont want us to do business with theirs? HYPOCRITES!
  14. Peregrine

    Is the term "Gora" a racial slur or not?

    Look at it this way.....Even thou Pathans are fair skinned, we donot refer to them as Goras, because the word Gora is mostly used for westerners. As for Kala we dont use it to determine their nationality rather its mostly used to describe the complexion.
  15. Peregrine

    Playstation 4, Xbox One or Nintendo U

    Then you might wanna try project shield by Nvidia...plays Android and PC games on a hand held device.
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