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Recent content by pakistanmyblood

  1. P

    Why Pakistan's power woes will get worse

    better mind ur own problem s bharti. like lack of toilets, killing minority, eating cow shit etc etc
  2. P

    nalanda university - reviving an ancint budhist campus

    dont call me buddy first of all. i dont care about nalanda balanda crap. all these myths are just fake stories to malign Muslims.
  3. P

    nalanda university - reviving an ancint budhist campus

    lol look at da stupid internet hindus and coniving chinkies on this thread page to make Muslims look bad :lol: :lol:
  4. P

    Kalyan Das Temple - Rawalpindi

    good this temple is in ruins. we will pay back the same coin just like what happnd to Babri masjid by the Hindu nationalis. We will tare down millions of more mandirs if another incident like tht happens again ever
  5. P

    India expects Nawaz to stick to his word regarding bilateral relations

    I have pride in my country and Muslim heritage :pakistan: Have some pride in your Lord Rama and Ashoka and stop claiming Pakistani heritage Bharati loser.
  6. P

    India expects Nawaz to stick to his word regarding bilateral relations

    Shahdara houses the mausloeum of Jehangir. Shah Jehan was born in Lahore which is in Pakistan not HINDUstan and was the capital of the mughal empire. Do some research bharati b4 commenting on ur bs
  7. P

    Pak woman loses legal fight to stay in India with family

    nobody in Pakistan wants this ****** since she is been tainted by a HINDUstani! She should stay in Bharat for all we care
  8. P

    India expects Nawaz to stick to his word regarding bilateral relations

    these idiot think they ruled over Punjab? Dont make me laugh so hard they were defeated by Mughals and sent packing to afganistan. anyway keep the BS of Nawaz Sharif out of it Imran khan had a idea but was a idiot to think he would change Pakistan within a limited amount of time.
  9. P

    India expects Nawaz to stick to his word regarding bilateral relations

    Only a brainless Pashtun would think like that :lol: :rofl: U pashtuns were defeated by the Mughals and were kicked back to Afganistan :lol: these afgans hiding behind Pakistani flags should keep there noses where they belong. Just like theat monkey d luffy fellow
  10. P

    India expects Nawaz to stick to his word regarding bilateral relations

    i dont knw why ppl are so fast to criticise Nawaz Sharif. Imagine if that Pakhtun won the elections he would destroy the country any1 remember Ayub Khan?? Sure Imran had good intention for a naya Pakistan but what plan he had? These r all just dreams he had but no plan
  11. P

    Punjab of Pakistan - Tribal Structure

    What the hell ?? Maybe the Butt from Kashmir I know they were Bhramins. But others are decendents from tribes of Arabia and the central asia.
  12. P

    Don’t Send Us Back, Pakistani Girls Appeal

    Good let the ****** leave. She made moer than many mistakes, 1. Left Islam 2. Blamed Pak Fauj 3. Running away to some SriLanka good let her go.
  13. P

    Punjab of Pakistan - Tribal Structure

    BS source, no Pakistani Punjabi is from a Hindu background. Where is the source?
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