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  1. Pakistani Aircraft

    1. Please can I ask this account "Pakistani Aircraft" to be merged with the above. 2. Please can...

    1. Please can I ask this account "Pakistani Aircraft" to be merged with the above. 2. Please can I request my "Cyberian" account to be unblocked and merged with the above account if possible. 3. A long time ago, initially i created the account "JF-17 Thunder" which was blocked, never knew why...
  2. Pakistani Aircraft

    I would like to keep the "Pakistan Space Agency" as my one single account.

    I would like to keep the "Pakistan Space Agency" as my one single account.
  3. Pakistani Aircraft

    Salaam brother, I'm now done posting the serial numbers. Thank you for allowing me to continue...

    Salaam brother, I'm now done posting the serial numbers. Thank you for allowing me to continue posting individual serial numbers. Apologies that I had to utilise two additional accounts in order to separate the serial numbers per post. I meant no mischievous intent and you may check my previous...
  4. Pakistani Aircraft

    Salaam Brother, Please can you allow me 24 hours so I can upload all the serial numbers...

    Salaam Brother, Please can you allow me 24 hours so I can upload all the serial numbers individually?
  5. Pakistani Aircraft

    Pakistan has no need of IMF Loans: Hafeez Shaikh

    @Path-Finder, doesn't the UK have any sort of Anti-Money Laundering laws? What did the UK's Home Minister Sajid Javed say to PM Imran Khan when he visited Pakistan in regard to money-laundering a few months back? Don't know what happened but the Ministers shouting corruption, corruption the...
  6. Pakistani Aircraft

    Pakistan has no need of IMF Loans: Hafeez Shaikh

    It's not PML-N's fault if military wants to fight America's War at the cost of $120 billion. It is also not PML-N's fault if a wannabe dictator like Raheel Sharif props up Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas to cause political instability in the country for 126 days costing 2% to the GDP.
  7. Pakistani Aircraft

    Pakistan has no need of IMF Loans: Hafeez Shaikh

    Oh okay and did you take into account Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad between 2013-2018 and who was paying Rs 25 million a day for it? Don't tell me it was Raheel Sharif's dad. What about the 126 day long proud dharna that cost 2% to the Pakistani GDP? These are just couple of the motions but still...
  8. Pakistani Aircraft

    Is Pakistan's new Finance Minister all paak saaf?

    Just wondering whether Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas' new Finance Minister Abdul Hafeez Shaikh who was also the Finance Minister in President Asif Ali Zardari's Government between 2010-2013 has been purified? I mean we all know from Pakistan Tehrik-e-Baqwas logic that anything related to Zardari...
  9. Pakistani Aircraft

    Pakistan has no need of IMF Loans: Hafeez Shaikh

    Interesting question. Let's see now. PTI Government's economic performance for the last eight-months: • Nominal GDP contracted by $35 billion. • GDP Growth Rate down to 2.7% from 5%. • External debt has increased from $95 billion to $101 billion • $22 billion of additional external debt...
  10. Pakistani Aircraft

    Pakistan has no need of IMF Loans: Hafeez Shaikh

    I wonder if he will do the same again like he did under President Zardari.
  11. Pakistani Aircraft

    Day 1: State of Pakistan's Stock Market and the Rupee

    If PML- N had been elected, there wouldn't have been any need to rectify anything except PTI's childish attitude.
  12. Pakistani Aircraft

    President & PM of Pakistan Didn't Even Condemn Makran Terror Attack Through Their Official Twitter

    He began eight-months ago and this is the result so far: • Nominal GDP contracted by $35 billion. • GDP Growth Rate down to 2.7% from 5%. • External debt has increased from $95 billion to $101 billion • $22 billion of additional external debt negotiated • Stock Market has shrank from 42,600 to...
  13. Pakistani Aircraft

    Day 1: State of Pakistan's Stock Market and the Rupee

    Day 249: Thursday 18th April 2019 Pakistan Stock Exchange: 36,811.86 Pakistani Rupee: PKR 141.658 = $1 Sources: www.psx.com.pk, www.xe.com This is where the Pakistani market and the currency is today after the PTI Government has been in office for 8 months and 6 days. Not looking very rosey as...
  14. Pakistani Aircraft

    India suspends cross LoC trade with Pakistan

    Some traitors (1999-2008) who wanted peace and trade with India at the expense of Kashmir.
  15. Pakistani Aircraft

    India suspends cross LoC trade with Pakistan

    Good. This should've been done on 15th August 1947. Now Indian members on Pakistan Defence Forum, GET LOST.
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