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  • f.x means for an example DK is short for DENMARK ;)
    institution means a school or daycare... just in case u didnt knew so thank me for broadning ur horizon ;)
    as i can see ur ID FreekiN and ur avatar shows me a lot about and ur liberal ideas in real ... maybe thats why u have gay friends???

    I do know what am talking about coz i see the real life here in the west and see statistics also ;)
    i have seen many like u who come from PK they forget all when they come to the west all about valuees and what really matters and become so westernized and oh so liberal in their thinking
    u dont become western just coz u live there u will always be a pakistani if ur born from pakistani parents and if u keep trying to be western all u endup with is becoming a looser

    come to my other thread "gas and electricity shortage in Pakistan" and give ur input
    first of all i m born here in the west u dont need to teach me about the west, if u think child abuse doesnt accour so much in the west then wh is it obligation in f.x DK to show child attest b4 to work with children ? maybe coz so many are abusing kids here in institutions ,
    i ALHAMDULLILAH dont know any gay ppl, but it doesnt matter what they say no control i dont belive that, its simply not natural and if they cant control then get help from professionals, period.
    Drugs r illegal all over but it doesnt mean that its not an issue in the states on the contrary i think its a big issue smugling for one example, and dont say open air sex doesnt exist just coz u dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt exist ppl are having sex outside its very well known by most ppl who dare to accept reality.
    Crossdressers... they r very common in the west both hidden and open not long ago a man was in tv telling how HIS WIFE helped him, chosing his dresses.... i dont think u experience this in PK...

    so take a trip to PK and see there instead of listening to ur media and masters in US...:blah::blah:

    You do not seem to have grown up in the west by saying stuff like '8 year olds getting pregnant'.

    I dont know what 'f.xDK' is but if you really did grow up here in the 'west' then you would know absolutely no one goes to 'institutions' but they do go to SCHOOLS.

    You really think gay people have not tried getting help? You must be extremely close-minded just to the fact that you refuse to believe what gay people go through and you say 'Thank God' that you dont know any of them.

    At this point, I can conclude that you obviously dont know what your talking about. So stop assuming about stuff you clearly have not seen, and have not experienced

    I lived in Pakistan for a couple of years and I know what it's like. Backwards and out of control. If you have such a big problem then go force a woman to NOT wear something she doesn't want to, then we will see the outcome. 20 dollars say your gonna get slapped. :lol:
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