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  • ****** INDIA

    The filthiest people on earth have started multiplying themselves at a startling pace. The rest of us should move to other planets before it is too late. These barely-humans wallow in dirt, swallow dirt, eat dirt, piss dirt and incessantly talk on the cell phone. Some Americanized-apes among them keep driving through a cacophony of cows, birds, Mazdas, donkeys, dogs, dog-like humans, sewer-water-rivers , etc. and keep telling each other to 'be proud of being Indian'. The human history has never witnessed such colossal collective ***** and such colossal collective ignorance, assembled with such haughty collective arrogance.

    Beggars continue begging endlessly on endless streets but the apes roll car windows, pretend India has become another USA, and drive on. A dumbo who does not even know when not to smile is their 'prime' minister. Another dumbo whose only asset is her female-ness calls herself 'president' . Another comedian incessantly talks of ‘growth rate’ while remaining totally blind to zillions starving in full public view.

    India is the biggest hallucinating experience on earth. What you thought existed only in tales about hell is actually real here. Congratulations folks, you have achieved what even God assigned zero probability to.

    SOLUTION:Nuke the entire country (including all its equally disgusting neighbors) twice over. Then wait for a few million years for the stench to go away. Then, allow only very carefully selected humans to settle back in (no dwarfs this time around please, thanks in advance!).
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