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Recent content by Omar12345

  1. Omar12345

    Geo has crossed all the limits.

    News channels in Pakistan attack other religions a lot....where were you guys then? Please remember that you can't ban a channel just because they Aired something you don't like. If you believe that Allah is almighty and that prophet muhammad (pbuh) was his final messenger you have nothing to...
  2. Omar12345

    Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan.- Nasir Saeed

    So you have absolute,,,definite proof that no one in pakistan has ever been forced to change their religions. I mean come on...how much more in denial do you need to be. Is that how afraid you are about education and facts.
  3. Omar12345

    Fashion, destroying Pakistan from within

    I live in Canada and I see women dressing up like this and worse. But its weird that woman have a better life here than in pakistan. I mean if these extremist muslims were right and the behaviour of these women was deviant then why are western women so much more successful and empowered than in...
  4. Omar12345

    Poll | Should there be a 'total ban' on Indian media in Pakistan??

    If someone in Pakistan wants to watch Indian content they should be allowed to...if any channel wants to show Indian made contact they should be allowed to. This is what we call democracy. Either be part of the civilized world and actually be able to ignore things that offend you or don't call...
  5. Omar12345

    Why Democracy is Shirk and When Can It be Used by Islamic Parties

    In Egypt there was an Islamist government that came into power and the people were against it. They wanted a more secular government and that is why so many of those people came out in the streets. Stop your bullshit. A theocracy never works in the real world..... Think for a second....there...
  6. Omar12345

    Why Democracy is Shirk and When Can It be Used by Islamic Parties

    Dude.... democracy is good....go look at Australia and then look at Pakistan. In democracies we have the right to do whatever we want...like if I ate pork products in pakistan I would be in big trouble but here in Canada no one gives a crap when I eat pepperoni pizza or when I drink alcohol. Its...
  7. Omar12345

    Why Democracy is Shirk and When Can It be Used by Islamic Parties

    Its easy for the OP to say that while he is busy sitting in a glorious country (which I want to really visit some day) where democracy is practiced and freedom of speech is allowed. It is quite comfortable to be able to give your opinions in a free country eh??? If you weren't in a free country...
  8. Omar12345

    Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

    Easy to say that buddy while you have a more tolerant place like Australia to be at.
  9. Omar12345

    Poll | Should there be a 'total ban' on Indian media in Pakistan??

    In a democracy you have freedom of speech and expression....and also media freedom. If Pakistan truly wants to be a democracy that things such as these should not be banned. I can't believe how many people are so anti-India in this forum....its astounding that your brothers who are mostly...
  10. Omar12345

    Pakistan should be named 'People's Republic of Pakistan'

    The whole point of a democracy is to also protect the minority. Majority rule is bad and that is why a democracy is supposed to be secular. A secular society is always better than a religious theocracy...history has shown that.
  11. Omar12345

    Pakistan: Five 'Crimes' That Can Get You Executed

    All of these stupid laws need to be abolished.
  12. Omar12345

    Coloured up: Muslims and Christians join Holi celebrations

    You have got to be kidding me. After all the issues this country has been through...this is one of the biggest things that comes to mind???? Yoga is exercise....I mean come on! I went to a church for a play that they were organizing... and nothing happened when I came out of the church... I...
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