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  1. Motti

    India's military czar concerned about US pullout from Afghanistan

    Yeah. But the US will probably continue with its drone strikes from bases in the Middle East.
  2. Motti

    Horizon 2030: Will Emerging Risks Unravel Our Global Systems?

    The new decade is witnessing rising volatility across global systems. Wherever one looks, there are dark clouds gathering on a global horizon marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). This paper looks at the cascade of interconnected risks that are emerging across the...
  3. Motti

    The New Normal’s religion of ‘techno-voodooism’ has bewitched the world

    This is getting more morbid by the day: https://humansarefree.com/2021/03/bill-gates-says-he-will-force-you-to-eat-fake-meat.html
  4. Motti

    The New Normal’s religion of ‘techno-voodooism’ has bewitched the world

    If Covid-19 has been a boon for anyone, that would be Big Business and Big Tech – overblowing fears, widening the wealth gap and facilitating global control through all-powerful technology the world now depends on. https://www.rt.com/op-ed/517342-new-normal-techno-voodooism/ The devotees of...
  5. Motti

    COVID-19 lockdowns are in lockstep with the ‘Great Reset’

    In October 2019, a pandemic simulation exercise called Event 201 – a collaborative effort between Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – concluded that a hypothetical new coronavirus may end up killing at least 65 million people...
  6. Motti

    The Economist Does a Hatchet Job On Pakistan's Handling of COVID19 Pandemic

    LOL. It is not like Britain, where the Economist is based, is doing much better. And the United States still has the highest death toll in the world.
  7. Motti

    Indian View: Is Pakistan's COVID response really better than India?

    This is not cricket or the Line of Control. Both nations are being suckered by the global pharmaceutical lobbies. We are both equal losers if we allow this admittedly virulent flu strain to destroy our economies. We cope with new flu strains, not locked our entire societies based on fear...
  8. Motti

    The Case for Regionalism in a Post-Coronavirus World

    That's actually a moot point. I have personally sourced items from China even during the fag-end of the COVID-19 pandemic there while industries elsewhere closed down. However, these products need a global market for Chinese factories to be sustainable and those markets are shrinking. All that...
  9. Motti

    The Case for Regionalism in a Post-Coronavirus World

    The problem is not the supply chain per se but another Great Depression, also called the Greater Depression nowadays. Many Chinese factories might fold along with companies that make finished products elsewhere. Therefore, it makes better sense to start sourcing important products internally or...
  10. Motti

    The Case for Regionalism in a Post-Coronavirus World

    I agree with the author. Our global supply chains are in a mess. Being overly reliant on China as the "factory of the world" will only backfire. The problem lies more with the global oligarchy rather than Beijing. They wanted things for cheap and became even richer at the expense of society. A...
  11. Motti

    The Case for Regionalism in a Post-Coronavirus World

    The Case for Regionalism in a Post-Coronavirus World COVID-19 has exposed the myopia and fragility underlying our worldwide supply chains. The first order of business, therefore, should be in ensuring the integrity of critical supply chains. Elected officials cannot play dice with basic...
  12. Motti

    India's national boycotting China campaigns enlist children

    It is highly doubtful that India will succeed here. Even the literal nuts and bolts which India once produced in copious quantities have been nudged out by cheaper Chinese imports.
  13. Motti

    Another win for China's Belt and Road, Greek port authority signs cooperation agreements with China

    The immediate problem for Beijing is that global markets are shrinking due to the onset of the Greater Depression. The Belt and Road makes little geo-economic sense at the moment, esp since there are lots of merchant vessels bound to be idle.
  14. Motti

    Coronavirus in a Time of Chimeras

    You will find Bill Gates mentioned in just about any project involving vaccination and eugenics anywhere in the world. If he were to unleash a viral outbreak in Pakistan or anywhere else in the Islamic world, he can rely on Malala Yousafzai (whom Gates assiduously promotes) to act as the...
  15. Motti

    Coronavirus in a Time of Chimeras

    The novel coronavirus was not germinated in a vacuum. The type of research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology had ominous analogues worldwide. These included the quest for super intelligence and the development of interspecies hybrids or chimeras...
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