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  • l have been informed that in sheer terror of Taliban attacks, the scared men of our Army have killed hundreds of innocent civilians in NWFP. But because the Army has banned all media coverage and even mobile phones, the facts ae not reported. Is that the case?
    You are absolutely right Musafar. But with this generation, another part of the state will be lost.
    "strategic depth" translates as 'whose blood can we use further our agenda into other peoples countries so that we dont need to get our hands dirty?'. In this case, it's innocent pashtuns who will be used as a vehicle to continue to keep war-torn afghanistan free from indian influence despite the fact that pashtuns have declared india as an enemy - Pakistan still wants to use them as an insurance policy. Another generation of pashtuns lost.
    mkjm, pakistan would be an excellent country if it managed to get rid of the corruption and decided to act as a sovereign country - instead of taking back-handers from the americans.
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