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Recent content by mirage_lover

  1. mirage_lover

    Pakistani F-16s reach 100,000 accident free flight hours

    Congrads to the engineers etc that made sure of this achievement, and also the pilots.
  2. mirage_lover

    Blast kills anti-Syrian lawmaker

    Forgot the source: CNN
  3. mirage_lover

    Blast kills anti-Syrian lawmaker

    Summary of this article: -Slain lawmaker identified as Walid Eido, foe of Syrian involvement in Lebanon -Explosion described as assassination; at least nine others also killed -Blast occurred near military sports club in Beirut seaside neighborhood Lebanese lawmaker killed in Beirut blast...
  4. mirage_lover

    Iran can target missile at US, Europe in less than eight years: US

    I disagree. Iran's longest range missile also has 2500km range with 1000kg explosive, same as Pakistan's! Their missiles are also test proven. Mind you Iran's missile arsenal has way more numbers due to abundance of funds (oil & gas).We cannot say much regarding whos missiles are better. Unless...
  5. mirage_lover

    George & Laura Bush To Divorce

    Just when i thought the guy could do no more damage to his party!
  6. mirage_lover

    Australia signs Super Hornet fighter deal

    RAAF will start receiving delivery of JSF (F-35) on 2018 :) Just a piece of info you guys might want to know :)
  7. mirage_lover

    Average Pakistani Soldier

    Thanx for the insight mate :) :tup:
  8. mirage_lover

    Russian Aircraft Carrier Video

    lol wellsaid buddy. :)
  9. mirage_lover

    Average Pakistani Soldier

    I ran a search regarding this PK-8 rifle, i didn't get anyhits...can you posts some detailed info regarding this rifle? does it have another name too?
  10. mirage_lover

    Did Israel win the war in LEBANON.

    In my opinion, no it doesn't :) Regarding the 2006 conflict i believe IDF litrelly flattened half of Lebanon. That's what matters to IDF, not the two soldiers that we kidnapped or Hezbolla [for now].
  11. mirage_lover

    Imaging Questioners

    OK, u got me there webby :wall: let's wait 24 hours so other members can have a go at it then u can reveal it at your will :coffee:
  12. mirage_lover

    Did Israel win the war in LEBANON.

    I still don't understand WHY some people still think Hezbolla won...They are a bunch of gun totting hoodlums that brought death & destruction to those they are 'trying' to protect.
  13. mirage_lover

    Pak-China air defence academies collaboration discussed

    Yes, i understand where your coming from, but we must take into consideration that english is only JUST seeping into major cities of china such as Shanghai and Beijing (i heard and saw this on NAT-GEO). Even still, how fluent will the elish of both sides be?
  14. mirage_lover

    Imaging Questioners

    More questions please! :)
  15. mirage_lover

    Little translation help needed....

    Yup, thats what i told him in the Pm i sent him :)
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