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  1. L

    45th anniversary of the Six-Day War

    Trying to cover up the incompetence of Arab Armies? No, I am not, I may not be naming everything but I am far for covering up for them. There were a number of things that the Arab Armies failed to do and one of those things were to work together. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If your...
  2. L

    45th anniversary of the Six-Day War

    Tamed all ME after the War? I think you need to brush on your ME history because in 1967 there were another number of other conflicts taking place in ME beside from the Six Day War. The North Yemen Civil War was taking place at the same time. The Egyptians, Jordanians, and Saudis had troops...
  3. L

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Hello, I hope that I am posting in the right area but I was given these insignia and I was told that they are from the 1960s and 1970s. I know that they are Turkish but would anyone happen to know what they are for? Also, I have the patch to right in two sizes, but why would they come in two...
  4. L

    Syrian Armed Forces. Research??? Non?

    Hello everyone, I have been doing some research on the Syrian Armed Forces as well as the Turkish Armed Forces. I have been trying to some references to their uniforms and insignia but I had no luck outside of a few men at arms books. Does any one have any good ideas for reference books? and...
  5. L

    Terrified Israel asks other countries to bomb Iran

    The IDF is good, but they are not that good. For any nation to thinks it's that good would be plain out cockiness. Secondly, you have to remember that Israel gets a lot of support from the United States. If that Aid were to stop coming, Israel is on it's own. The Arab nations would be frat...
  6. L

    Royal Jordanian Insignia, help?

    I did not know that it was such a secret. I mean the Royal Jordanian Air Force have all of their Squadrons and their insignia listed on their website. So I was thinking that the Land Forces would be the same way? Also, these patches are from the 1960s and 1970s. I don't even think they wear...
  7. L

    Royal Jordanian Insignia, help?

    Hello everyone, I am new to the form and I hope that I am posting in the right spot. I just pick these up from a friend of mine who collected middle eastern items for a long time now. I know I they are Jordanian but does anyone know what divisions some of these patches belong to...
  8. L

    Pakistan says US not listening, drone strikes must stop

    That is what I was thinking. Could this be an act of war in the eyes of many nations?
  9. L

    North Korea's new missiles are fakes

    Like most stories, part lie and part truth.
  10. L

    Terrified Israel asks other countries to bomb Iran

    I don't know if I would agree with that. They won most of those wars because many of those Arab nations did not work together. It was almost like they were fighting two or three different wars at the same time. In the six day war, nothing is ever brought about one part of the Syrian lines being...
  11. L

    Syrians stand STRONG behind Assad.

    The Sterling is British made not Israeli and the Syrian Arab Army has captured two french advisers from the Syrian Free Army.
  12. L

    US trying to choke China

    It does not seem to be working. China is playing go and the United States is playing chess and it does not have it's pieces
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