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Recent content by kena

  1. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Don't know why Whites make such a fetish of these recessive genetic characters -- blond hairs and blue eyes...:cuckoo:
  2. kena

    Indian-administered Kashmir shut down after troops kill protestors

    What India is doing in Kashmir??? The same as in the rest of the country. Administering...defending...developing... Did you forget that the territory has been Indian for thousand of years and the current choice of a handful of people does not make it any different..:P
  3. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    No you couldn't....so don't give yourself those airs. For a large part of history, Europe has just been a backwater of Asia... thinly peopled by barbaric tribes full of disease and even unable to grow enough food. Need we go back too long??? Just read up the condition of Britain in the times...
  4. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    There is certainly no point in discussing the AIT with you because it is very apparent that your entire education comes from stormfront.org.
  5. kena

    Pakistan suffered $100 bn losses in war on terror

    The wages of sin... A logical result of over emphasizing the Military side of the state.....
  6. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    I m sure all conquered people had the same problem. Not that it was really relevant for the other party. Fact of the Matter is that rich countries have always attract impoverished hordes - which is why wretchedly poor whites used to come to the rich Orient and Cortez led expeditions into Mayan...
  7. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    So, the non whites are conquering you now. Any problems with that???
  8. kena

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    So, why did your ancestors in the past have problems with 1. Native Indians in North and South Americas; 2. Indians in India at the time of British colonial rule; 3. Africans in Africa; 4. Native Australians in Australia; 5. Maoris in New Zealand????/
  9. kena

    UK is not for 'Tibetan independence'

    Kashmir was never separate from India. Tibet was an independent nation historically.
  10. kena

    Is China's rise unstoppable?

    Please feel happy if you think that script and a few random festivals is all there is to culture. I understand that you can never realize what has been lost because you have never seen it in the first place. But Chinese cities and its people look to be a complete clone of Western countries to...
  11. kena

    Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Kashmir: police

    Nobody is afraid to discuss. It is all over Indian media and the whole country is outraged. Why do you have to show so much concern over a part of land which is not yours, even theoretically? I understand that Kashmiris want independence rather than merger with Pakistan.
  12. kena

    Is China's rise unstoppable?

    It is very disheartening that China has completely lost it in its mindless pursuit of Western style growth. The Chinese civilization's place in the world is irreplaceable. While Indian spirituality was more focused on the abstract and was somewhat other worldly, the Chinese had always combined...
  13. kena

    Is China's rise unstoppable?

    Limit less growth is called cancer.... you know what it leads to.... To dream of infinite growth on a finite Earth is a sign of madness...:cuckoo:
  14. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Fake marriage...Some freak gora solemnizing it...No Brahmin will perform such monstrocity.
  15. kena

    1st Indian lesbian marriage ?

    Dont worry about them.. They have practically substituted Buddha / Tirthankars in place of god..
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