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  1. Kaptan Reis

    Why did Turkey lift its veto on Finland and Sweden joining NATO?

    politics today changes according to current events, alliances are made and undone, Turkey leads a good way, they oppose the USA and Russia to their contradictions. The Turks no longer want the F-35s for a long time, The purchase of F-35s led to military dependence for several decades, with risks...
  2. Kaptan Reis

    Bayraktars Are Falling! Turkey’s ‘Much-Hyped’ TB2 Drones Are Losing Steam Against Russian Missiles As Ukraine Limits Their Usage

    drones have an advantage, they can be anywhere at any time, while a ground vehicle is limited to the terrain, in addition drone cameras allow you to see a target from several kilometers away and launch its missile. Russia does not have the capabilities to cover the entire airspace with its...
  3. Kaptan Reis

    Bayraktars Are Falling! Turkey’s ‘Much-Hyped’ TB2 Drones Are Losing Steam Against Russian Missiles As Ukraine Limits Their Usage

    Calm down, they arrive again, the difference is only drones that fall, on the other hand in front they are soldiers. Turkey completes production of three Bayraktar TB2 drones for free transfer to Ukraine Baykar Makin has almost completed the preparation of three Bayraktar TB2 drones under the...
  4. Kaptan Reis

    Bayraktars Are Falling! Turkey’s ‘Much-Hyped’ TB2 Drones Are Losing Steam Against Russian Missiles As Ukraine Limits Their Usage

    you are on which page?, does the Indian still not know how to read English since his former settler gave him language lessons?. Turk forum, not Indian!. Do you want us to ask the Chinese how they slap the Indians in the mountains?. What do I read?. Twenty Indian soldiers killed in clash with...
  5. Kaptan Reis

    Redefining TCG ANADOLU as an Armed Drone Carrier

    This ship will serve as a basis for real tests, the real project is the construction of a dedicated aircraft carrier. For now, this model will bring experience and knowledge before setting up a larger vessel. There is one coming to be dismantled in Turkey
  6. Kaptan Reis

    Why did Turkey lift its veto on Finland and Sweden joining NATO?

    There is no chance that the France out of NATO, and no chance that it will join Russia. The France depends on the protection of NATO, the France supplied arms to Ukraine, it also has officers who help train Ukrainians. I am sure that after all these deliveries that are causing casualties among...
  7. Kaptan Reis

    First tarawih prayer in Ayasofya Mosque after 88 years

    in europe they don't want you, besides they made sure to send you back to the stone age. You should even change the flag so much this one has been soiled by your USA masters
  8. Kaptan Reis

    Anti-NATO demonstration breaks out near Turkish air base

    NATO integration for Turkey dates back to the 1950s, since the weather changes and the policies of the countries also, being part of NATO allows Turkey to have the right of veto and the right to have upcoming information. It must be recognized that Erdogan did everything to make NATO choose to...
  9. Kaptan Reis

    Turkish drones may have targeted pro-Iran militias in Iraq - analysis

    never trust the iranians, they are cheating, they were ready to pay billions of boeing dollars to their american enemies
  10. Kaptan Reis

    Washington is proposing that it's time to kick Turkey out of NATO over it's view on Finland & Sweden

    the exit of Turkey would have a very high cost, more than 40 billion dollars, among other changes of codes, bases, authorizations, tens of thousands of Turkish personnel assigned to NATO. All this would take between 3 and 5 years for NATO members. Who wants to pay? Finland Sweden ?
  11. Kaptan Reis

    Erdoğan says Turkey will not approve Sweden and Finland joining NATO

    “IF THERE IS AN ATTACK ON TURKEY, SHOULD I DEFEND?” A new survey, which emerged while hot developments were taking place, drew the public's reaction. "If there is an attack on Turkey, shall we defend it?" In the survey, which included the question, 11 percent of Swedes voted yes, while 55...
  12. Kaptan Reis

    Erdoğan says Turkey will not approve Sweden and Finland joining NATO

    the turks are right not to trust sweden or finland, on several occasions these two countries have refused the extradition of pkk terrorists to turkey. They are not allies. The last block of NATO in Asia is in Turkey, the failure of the Anglo-Saxons in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria proves that...
  13. Kaptan Reis

    Türkiye Defense industry projects have a budget billion to $75 billion.

    MANUFACTURING STARTS ON NATIONAL COMBATIVE AIRCRAFT Giving important information about the National Combat Aircraft Project, Kotil said, "This year, the plane will appear, you will see it physically, it will start the engine on March 18, 2023 and will start ground tests." used the phrases...
  14. Kaptan Reis

    Türkiye Defense industry projects have a budget billion to $75 billion.

    Erdogan said : 'The budget of defense industry projects has increased from $5.5 billion to $75 billion, and the sector's annual turnover has increased from $1 billion to $10 billion,'. We are now in the top 3 countries in the world in the production of drones, DRONES and DRONES. We're in every...
  15. Kaptan Reis

    NATO wants the Turkish assistance to subdue the Russian Air Defense

    it's a page about Turkey info, so go settle your accounts elsewhere or I'll have to report you to moderation. it's a page about Turkey info, so go settle your accounts elsewhere or I'll have to report you to moderation. it's a page about Turkey info, so go settle your accounts elsewhere or...
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