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Recent content by Jeeten Parikh

  1. J

    Indian Army Accidentally Fires 3 SAMs in Exercise.

    assume you're right for the sake of this argument. If you know and assert external conflict is essential for India's well being, and that India has been pursuing that strategy, aren't your guys just playing into their hands? time after time? just stop giving them indians excuses and...
  2. J

    Gujaratis are fraudsters : Bihar Chief Minister Tejasvi Yadav

    ask that of your buddies who have that fetish obviously Modi has deeply hurt you. What happened?
  3. J

    Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan updates

    i've been thinking of all those as just advanced pattern learning with some extrapolation for prediction.
  4. J

    Gujaratis are fraudsters : Bihar Chief Minister Tejasvi Yadav

    @iamnobody why are you wasting your significant intelligence on topics like casteism?
  5. J

    Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan updates

    i read that too. Chomsky made sense, probably for the first time in his life
  6. J

    Why China won't allow a Russian defeat in Ukraine no matter what it takes

    that'd be dangerous for the russian soldiers
  7. J

    Artificial Intelligence in Pakistan updates

    something I have been trying to figure out for a long time: 1) why do we need AI 2) why do we need driverless cars do we not have enough human beings so we need AI or drive cars?
  8. J

    Sign this petition to kick out this rat from London !

    Everything you say is true but you’re assuming sufficient number of British people can act to get their reps do something. Even if they do, the British leadership will NOT ever deport dictators oligarchs mafiosi and similar criminals. That nation runs on crime
  9. J

    Why China won't allow a Russian defeat in Ukraine no matter what it takes

    both Russia and Ukraine have already lost the war. Russian military is in shambles and Ukraine’s cities are rubble. Already. USA is throwing some morsels of pity dollars to Ukraine just like they did to Pakistan sometime ago. It is an utter and absolute shame. I hope Xi has more sense than...
  10. J

    Sign this petition to kick out this rat from London !

    But the way the Brits think is like the Swiss . If they return one crook other crooks will think twice about moving their money to London. It is bad for the Brit business
  11. J

    I am a Muslim of the Indian subcontinent. Let me tell you a story. This is the story of my life.

    Except most of what you’ve learnt is untrue: we will have to wait some more
  12. J

    Sign this petition to kick out this rat from London !

    good luck with that! About 25% of british economy is based on crooks robbers oligarchs and fugitives taking shelter there with their ill gotten loot. The biggest money laundering center is London.
  13. J

    I am a Muslim of the Indian subcontinent. Let me tell you a story. This is the story of my life.

    i'd be so happy if it was true what you said about unconnectedness. I mean if only you lot didn't have any connection with Indians it'd be so simple for India to just ignore or swat you off. Problem is all those ancestral genes in you. Indians are at once disappointed in your ancestors for...
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