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Recent content by hamzaafridi_pak

  1. hamzaafridi_pak

    A westerners view about Pakistan!

    One of a traveler wrote in his book about Pakistan that "He saw Pakistan 20 miles away from Islamabad!". Look at the deep words screaming the reality of the fact that if Lahore has metro bus service and Islamabad has clear clean roads with grass and trees surrounding them. This is only 10% or...
  2. hamzaafridi_pak


    Why do we always get in this thing. Why is it that we make it our weakness! Can't we just get it that this very weakness of ours is what our enemies are exploiting! Why can't we just put aside our differences and live in harmony! We are all answerable to our own deeds not others!
  3. hamzaafridi_pak

    Educational Issue Forum

    Either I am not looking at the right place or there is no such forum on this website on this particular subject. If that's the case I would like to make a special request to the admins to please add that section too so that people can discuss about the educational issues we are facing these...
  4. hamzaafridi_pak

    Why Arabs Lose Wars

    My heart bleeds for Palestinian people. But it makes no difference does it. My tears won't bring smiles on the faces of thousands of Palestinian children who lost there fathers, mother, sisters, brothers and friends. The only thing that would make any difference would be your actions and my...
  5. hamzaafridi_pak

    Is Social Media a threat!

    Really amazing question there :) 1. Nobody has defined the roles and responsibility of Social Media. But yet don't you think there is a need? Don't you think our humanitarians should draw a line for them? 2. Well that's the very point nobody's doing that. But they are just provoking humanity...
  6. hamzaafridi_pak

    Why Arabs Lose Wars

    There was a person recently whom I met and we came up with this very debate. There were few very important points my opponent came up with. I would just quote a one line "Arabs come with their old tanks and say Allah is with us where they are directly disobeying Almighty Allah's command in Surah...
  7. hamzaafridi_pak

    Is Social Media a threat!

    A well delivered point there sir (Y)
  8. hamzaafridi_pak

    Is Social Media a threat!

    It nice you searched me on the search engine. Ya I am kinda stuck with that these days so :D Thank you so much for such an amazing answer :)
  9. hamzaafridi_pak

    The issue with Pakistani Media

    seems you have the same problem as we do. Thats really sad But this has to have some code of ethics some rules some control may be.
  10. hamzaafridi_pak

    The issue with Pakistani Media

    True but what I really meant was the ethics. Imagine a rape case being reported by our media. These idiots would go to the victims and their parents to know how they feel! Name of the victim and the address would be there on the red tape with a breaking news title. I mean these are not ethics...
  11. hamzaafridi_pak

    The issue with Pakistani Media

    Its been a while since I last watched 9 o'clock news or even any news channel of Pakistan. Following are some of the problem with our media: Give out wrong information. No ethics. Exaggerate. Focus on humiliating Pakistan. More a business then a source of information Help me make the list...
  12. hamzaafridi_pak

    The misconception that Defense gets the bigger share in Pakistan!

    I have been troubled by this question for quite a long time. The media of Pakistan accompanied with people from round the world have blamed Pakistan for the fact that they give a really large share in the name of Defense. Is it true? If yes do you think we need to lower them? If yes why? Do keep...
  13. hamzaafridi_pak

    Is Social Media a threat!

    I have been on Facebook for around 7 years and have been using twitter now for around 4 years. What I found about Facebook and twitter was really interesting. I found it a gate way to the world. I found out that this platform is what is going to uproot the differences and make this place a...
  14. hamzaafridi_pak

    A fighter is shotdown near the border

    Here you go. And I never ment any offence just sharing my views sorry If it offended you in any way. From BBC sorry I can't upload the link its giving me error. But you can read the article on BBC easily searchable :)
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