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  • I'm writing here, since it can bother other guys. I am born in Denmark but my parents are from Kayseri. I totally agree with you that people from smaller cities tend to be much nicer. But central Anatolian people are generally really nice people regardless of the size of the city. That is why people who come to Turkey usually falls in love with the country and makes Turkey their permanent residency.

    Actually the thing you call Turkish Pizza is not called Turkish pizza by Turks. It is lahmacun (or pide) and Turks like lahmacun/pide much more than pizza, if this is what you mean http://www.surf2istanbul.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/b-348773-lahmacun5.jpg. I actually think it is much older than Pizza and Pizza is maybe a copy Italians made, it could be the opposite as well of course. lahmacun with ayran tastes so goood btw :)
    Just out of pure curiousity, are you Chinese or Canadian?
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