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Recent content by Foxhound31

  1. Foxhound31

    Japanese mayor sparks outrage with sex-slave remarks

    So...one idiot decides to spew a bunch of crap and that justifies nuking to death thousands of innocent men, women and children. How are you any different than the Japanese people who committed their disgusting crimes?
  2. Foxhound31

    Different Versions of the Chinese Map

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA so much win!
  3. Foxhound31

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Well, if China and Japan were to take this issue up in an international court of law, it would most likely side with Japan. You're more than welcome to google up these two academic articles Helfin, William B. “Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Dispute: Japan and China Oceans Apart.&#8221...
  4. Foxhound31

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    It's called an example, hell England might as well just lay claim to every single freaking island it has EVER sailed by in it's history. Same logic.
  5. Foxhound31

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Sadly if you follow China's logic of it's history and how it owns everything, then I suppose it's fair for Rome to start claiming most of Europe as being under it's control too...after all most of Europe was part of the Roman Empire back in the day...
  6. Foxhound31

    China gains from India's Tibetan bungle

    Not gonna happen...the whole leave their politics behind. Ah well, the DL is getting older everyday :P
  7. Foxhound31

    China’s J20 Stealth Fighter: Made in America...via Belgrade

    *i just died laughing at that*
  8. Foxhound31

    Another stealth aircraft from China

    Doesn't look legit...looks too much like photoshop ><
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