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  1. FC-20

    RD-93 Engine: Strength or Weakness?

    thanks Batman... The main problem with over-smoking is that it makes an aircraft easier to acquire visually right, i read some where that the trial can help increase RCS at times.... Radar waves would magnify not by much but significantly Then again turning on reheat (afterburners) would raise...
  2. FC-20

    RD-93 Engine: Strength or Weakness?

    Although the engine has come under a lot of scrutiny from Pakistani quarters, the main aspect has been over performance issues. The engine is considered to be smoky & under-powered, while reliability has also been expressed as a point of concern. With a presumed low TBO (Time Between Overhauls)...
  3. FC-20

    Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

    me too i want to see him blown into pieces.... :lol:
  4. FC-20

    Britain's Afghan role could last "30 to 40 years"

    40 years i think that was supposed to be a joke:D
  5. FC-20

    Half of Russian air-to-air missiles with IAF have homing, ageing problems

    Putting a big question mark on the performance of the Russian beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air missiles with the Indian Air Force, an audit report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has noted that nearly half the missiles tested either did not home in on targets during evaluations...
  6. FC-20

    Mirage 2000 to PAF? UAE

    ---MASTANKHAN---good job buddy---. :D
  7. FC-20

    F-35 for Pakistan

    my resposne :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  8. FC-20

    Karzai Tells Pakistan to Shut Extremist Schools, Arrest Operators

    heeehhaaaaaa Karzai will tell PAk waht 2 do..
  9. FC-20

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    can any one tell if AESA is on cards for J-10B n which AESA will be used ofr J-10B??
  10. FC-20

    F/A 18E-F In US Navy Service To Be Retrofitted With AESA

    awesome man, i love tht bird :)
  11. FC-20

    F/A 18E-F In US Navy Service To Be Retrofitted With AESA

    will India get this kinda F-18s if its winner of MMRCA??
  12. FC-20

    Ultimate edition of Jf-17

    Mr a1b2c145, it is proposed Jf-17 Block 2 or wat???
  13. FC-20

    India not a threat: Zardari

    didnt surprised me, wat else can u expect from ZARDARI
  14. FC-20

    Tehreek-e-Taliban (Jamrud) Amir surrenders: state TV

    great!!!!! :guns: :bunny::bounce: atlast good news, Great job PA...
  15. FC-20

    US gives Pakistan two weeks to eliminate Taliban

    lol they havent been able to finish taliban n look the way they r barking at us, cum on americans wake up..
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