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  1. E

    'The Most Stupidest Person I've Met': Sydney Police Racially Abuse Afghan Women

    Stop talking out your arse. Islam has a problem with non Muslims. The day you change that. The world will smile
  2. E

    'The Most Stupidest Person I've Met': Sydney Police Racially Abuse Afghan Women

    South asia was never a muslim land....
  3. E

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    Forget all my words... Just let me ask. What part of Kashmir you come from. My family has lived there since before your measure
  4. E

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    I will not argue because the point is mute. Your keyboard bashing is apparent. Yet I will request that a due diligence is placed on your agreement. Pakistan has no legal standing on current issues. After all Pakistan agreed on every circumstance. Please address your legal state before. It may...
  5. E

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    The day when Pakistan removed boots. Have you not read the UN files?
  6. E

    PM IK Op-Ed (Metro US): 'Pakistani nation will not sit back until Kashmiris are given their right..'

    Kashmiris have been given their rights. What more do you want? Take off the green shades.
  7. E

    Imran Khan warns UN of potential nuclear war in Kashmir

    Mr Khan is good for the world. I promote him. He is good for Pakistan... Hang on my microwave just beeped. Popcorn is ready.
  8. E

    The Indian-American community has turned out in full force for #HowdyModi

    Am I dumb? Or using the old adage.... Deny deny deny. Leave it up to you genius.
  9. E

    The Indian-American community has turned out in full force for #HowdyModi

    I did not agree it happened. And Dogra are badass ever heard of General Zorawar? Plus Sikh armies were usually led by Dogra. So called Jammu Massacre is a myth that is not proven.
  10. E

    The Indian-American community has turned out in full force for #HowdyModi

    India has OCI which is easy to obtain. OCI is good enough. All you don't get with that is an Indian passport. And a couple of minor clauses. Rest you are treated same as an Indian citizen I can say with all honesty that the only people being opressed are the intectually dishonest that believe...
  11. E

    Canadian Pm Trudeau snubbed by Indian PM Modi !

    Ha Ha, Trudeau has been snubbed by most major leaders, who wants to be seen with a kid with no chance in next election. Most "peoplekind" have snubbed this idiot that Canadian morons elected. At least Trudeau was entertaining. Hmmm kind of looks like Castro.... He should go back to teaching Kindy.
  12. E

    Kashmir: Freedom fighters Attack CRPF training camp

    What utter gibberish not once I blamed Pakistan etc, read your made up reply. Now I disengage. I do not talk to liars. Goodbye
  13. E

    Kashmir: Freedom fighters Attack CRPF training camp

    I read this site on a daily basis . It was an awesome site for defense info years ago. Now It is just a "bash someone with a different passport from you" website. Hence I do not engage More civilians get killed in Pakistan per capita.
  14. E

    Kashmir: Freedom fighters Attack CRPF training camp

    I live there, these are nothing but disgusting filth of humanity like ISIS or the same types that kill your people. I cried in your school attack. They do not want freedom they want carnage led by psychopaths conducted by sociopaths. You promoting this makes you culpable. If you have demands as...
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