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Recent content by durgs360

  1. D

    Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

    And some wonder why the west is islamophobic !! You reap what you sow !!
  2. D

    Fear pervades China's Uighurs

    Insultive behavior ?? !! Who did i insult ?? Did I insult any persons ?LeT ? Al -Qaida ?? Are you supportive of these organisations ??
  3. D

    Fear pervades China's Uighurs

    Where is LeT, Al-Qaida ?? The protectors of Islamic brotherhood ?? Do they have any guts to take on the Chinese ?? I guess not. They will reduced to ashes in the very caves they are hiding in, if they face China's wrath !:angry:
  4. D

    With India, China leading, Asia emerges as global economic hub

    We all know that China and India are marching ahead. But one blogger known as Riaz Haq would beg to differ ! I suppose this will drag him into this thread !!
  5. D

    India to break double digit GDP growth barrier in 2011-12'

    Great ! That should get us even closer to China in a few years !! Here we come China !!!:victory:
  6. D

    Rickshaw loaded with chicks!

    ^^^^ That was not funny.
  7. D

    Would-be bin Laden assassin held in Pakistan

    Rambo with a failing kidney ! But on a serious note, Govts cant do what a lone man can do. Never under estimate power of a common man!!
  8. D

    Why would China fight India?

    You are right ! They seem have a complex with all that new found wealth. Being the Xerox machine of the world, and masters of illegal reverse engineering; money just flows in. This has to gone their head, like melamine !!:rofl:
  9. D

    China giving massive aid to Cambodia

    Dont make your ignorance known to the entire world. Sikkim was not annexed to India. Sikkim was always a part of India. And sikkimese people voted to be with India. India has never annexed any country by force, But your master China has done and it will continue to do so. So a country that...
  10. D

    Why Indians Opposing Me! Need Help

    HeHe !! Good one !!:rofl:
  11. D

    Why Indians Opposing Me! Need Help

    When GROUP attacks you, you should silence them by giving a collective reply with a credible source. Asking for mods help or disappearing is downright sissy. Stick on and face the adversary
  12. D

    Why Indians Opposing Me! Need Help

    Didnt you see Jana's posts. Just because Indians are mailing Srilankan she accuses Indians of harrassing him.
  13. D

    Why Indians Opposing Me! Need Help

    Nobody is opposing Srilankan. Indians ask for credible source and he disappears. Instead of being a cry baby he should stick on and discuss. The reason he is complainig here is that he knows he will get sympathy from Pakistanis.
  14. D

    Why Indians Opposing Me! Need Help

    Very funny !! You are trying to work him against Indians !! Try singing a lullaby !! As others Indians pointed He needs to stick on to the thread he starts. No other issued. Probably you are too naive to notice that.
  15. D

    China giving massive aid to Cambodia

    China may ultimately may annexe these small and weak countries. First generous help and claim it as your own land. Another Tibet in the making.
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