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Recent content by dreamer53320

  1. D

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    Beidou will start going into commercial devices such as cell phone starting 2014 (read it a few weeks ago on Xinhua)
  2. D

    Fight breaks out in Taiwan’s parliament

  3. D

    China risks following Japan into economic coma.

    Why do you think 10% growth is "healthy" or sustainable? And why marks the line at 10%? If a government wants high GDP growth, it can always inflate (like USA or India), but it only looks good on paper and does not translate well to the well-living of the normal citizen. I think putting too...
  4. D

    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    I totally agree, "the vote" has been too glorified over other essentials such as the substance that supports good life and safe society. To me, American style democracy has become nothing but a new religious belief.
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    Call for Beijing to work with Taiwan to reunify in Chinese-style democracy

    I think firstly I want to clarify the meaning of "democracy" to me. "Democracy" does not mean one person one vote to me because I believe in "meritocracy", and so my definition for "democracy" is the accountability and responsiveness of the government to the people. (Of course meritocracy...
  6. D

    Local governments inflated China’s GDP by $900 billion last year

    obviously BS made-up crap equals fact to you, nothing is 100%, don't use generalized exaggeration and make it "fact". It's laughable, try harder next time when spreading propaganda. At least make-up some "fact" more believable
  7. D

    Global Innovation Index 2013

    we have youku and baidu, why upload to youtube? we have baiduwiki, why wasted time editing wikipedia? and what is online creativity................ I totally agree with you, this ranking is BS in regards to the subjective measures
  8. D

    China graduates face tough job market as youth unemployment rises

    I like how BBC portraits the situation in China as dismal when the youth jobless rate is less than 10% while in US and UK or even Eurozone as a whole have above 20% (even up to 50% for some) jobless rate and the picture is painted as rosy and optimistic.... /sarcasm When western media reports...
  9. D

    Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

    This incident just showed how weak Ma is. Ma is not strong enough to be a leader. He's just a whimpy guy who cannot decide anything big!!! First Ma sells his soul to the Japanese with the fishing agreement around dioyu island, then now he simply uses his mouth to condemn his incident?? Where's...
  10. D

    2013 China problems (My feelings living in China from 2011-2013)

    wow, you are a bit disgusting in a sense that you admitted yourself that you were also one of the people that participating in this housing bubble, squeezing out profit as you said. And on the other hand you are criticizing the government of not doing enough to tame the bubble? I wonder what...
  11. D

    Who should make a call?

    Economic and military power dictate everything. Soft power does not exist without the former two powers. It was that way in the past.......and still is today.
  12. D

    Planning the Unthinkable War with China: An Aussie View of AirSea Battle

    I wonder why there's no articles with a title such as "The unthinkable resolution for China and the rest of the worlds to live peaceful and happily ever after"????? Why always so negative.?
  13. D

    Taiwan is more Chinese than PRC China?

    .........please don't fall into the trap...it's an obvious troll thread to try to stir up emotions and wrangles from both sides (mainland, tw) to hate each other Chinese doesn't mean Han. Chinese are all the cultures and ethnics that comprise of it. And to my understanding, the ethnic...
  14. D

    Chinese Mother Buys $6.5 Million Condo for 2-Year-Old Daughter

    As long as they're not buying houses for the sole purpose of earning money (such as wallstreet.....) then it's all good. Houses are for people to live not for earning money. What this mother did is nothing wrong, she's just a little richer than the average moms :argh:
  15. D

    Xi Jinping named president of China

    Similar event also happened when 馬英九 became leader. His brother-in-law sold his company and all the stock he had so they won't drag 馬英九 So I do believe 習近平's brother sister in law also did the same thing since...

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