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Recent content by DrasticMeasure

  1. DrasticMeasure

    India exported 10,000 crore worth iPhones in just May, 2023 alone.India may export one in five iPhones worldwide by 2025

    People said the same thing when India entered the Automobile industry back in 80s, India is only an assembler of cars. It's only a matter of time. :)
  2. DrasticMeasure

    Caretaker PM Kakar grilled during LUMS visit as he faces tough questions from ‘angry youth’

    This is the first time, I have heard a Pakistani PM speak with complete honesty and rationality. This PM is far better at public speaking than that emotional bullshit that nawas and Imran speak.
  3. DrasticMeasure

    China in doldrums after Xi fiasco: China's finance giant MISSES payments

    what will china do with 1000s of empty skyscrapers especially with declining population. Only time will tell.
  4. DrasticMeasure

    ERDOGAN's new modern Turkiye 2002-2023

    My question to Turkish Peeps here. How long before 50% inflation brings the entire Turkish economy to a grinding halt ?????? How many more months to go ??
  5. DrasticMeasure

    Analysis: Hina Rabbani Khar embarrassingly says “Pakistan not a big power like Russia” - Russian FM Sergey Lavrov shocked

    Pakistans population is more than 70 million more than Russia, which means if Pakistan wants it has the potential and ability become a power far bigger than Russia. The only reason it is not can be seen in the video.
  6. DrasticMeasure

    China to become 'militarily superior' to US by 2049: Top US general

    It is possible both in theory and practically. Once again I genuinely believe China will be a great power but US has Demograpic advantages that China simply cannot compete with. Only time will tell how far US is willing to keep its position at no1.
  7. DrasticMeasure

    ISRO RLV-LEX autonomous landing mission

    Well its great to see India toying with a 60 year old technology which after almost 10 years of development is barely 1/20th the size of an actual space shuttle. It still cant fly or navigate. It took them 7 years, yes 7 years to complete this experiment after the first HEX experiment in 2016...
  8. DrasticMeasure

    ISRO RLV-LEX autonomous landing mission

    I agree with you, but I dont think the budget is the problem here. India has access to as much money as it needs. Just look at the budget of this year. Financially India is breaking all records. Look at this guy, he built a self landing rocket just like space-x all by himself. It took him 5...
  9. DrasticMeasure

    China to become 'militarily superior' to US by 2049: Top US general

    China will be a superpower no doubt about it. But US has one superweapon against China, something that no other country (maybe except Canada) has aka Skilled immigration or H1B. China wont have it that easy. China could very well become the bigger version of Japan. China's biggest assest by far...
  10. DrasticMeasure

    ISRO RLV-LEX autonomous landing mission

    This seems more like a university or a startup project in the west. Nothing crazy. India needs to think biggger. It took over 10 years just for this small test. Lol Simply pathetic. For those who are going to bash me for being negative. Trust me, I am an very Senior Software Engineer who has...
  11. DrasticMeasure

    How in 1936 Germany declared Iran as the second ARYAN nation and exempt from Nuremberg laws.

    Wow what an era it was. Germany providing the seal of racial purity to another Nation!!!!! what the heck ?? How can the humans be so stupid. Its hard to even imagine something like this today.
  12. DrasticMeasure

    Land Trade with China

    And this is the reason why Pakistan is where it is. Chinese loans, 50% of Pakistani debt is to China. All Those ports, bridges etc China built for you need to be paid for and you dont have money. My friend you have given your country to Satan.
  13. DrasticMeasure

    Land Trade with China

    So your point is that trading with India will undercut your industries?? Do you think the great Pakistani Industry can compete with China? China will eat your entire little tiny industry alive. Not a single product made in Pakistan can compete with even a third grade Chinese product. Lol You...
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