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  • My position about few things is clear. The cases of temple desecration and forced conversion may not be true everywhere. I don't deny they happened, just I am skeptic about their generalization. RSS version of history is full of loopholes and completely unscientific. Dating of Ramayana or Mahabharata is plain stupidity without rational historiography and methodical research. If that makes me anti-Hindu, let it be.
    That was my second and last post in that thread. In the first, I asked why just this book, why not the others which have sexual contents about Hindu Gods. See, how prejudiced you are. :D
    Dragon Ball
    Yeah even if that was all you said, it revealed your prejudice rather. That you think Hindu nationalists just mamby pamby make ruckus over nothing like they are some sort of crazies, prudes, who are getting their panties twisted over something as innocuous as sex. See who is prejudiced here?
    I did not say anything more there that revealed my 'prejudice'. Bas kuch bhi!!
    Dragon Ball
    It was commentary enough. Why do you think they would protest against this book and not other books with sexual contents of Gods? It was not like you did not have a well established position along with Joe Shearer white washing all Muslim crimes and painting Hindu history black the way JNU has done. So the impression was not formed in a vacuum.
    "Rest what she has written about Hindu God's and the implications she extracted out does not need any comments. Because the whole featherbrained interpretations are all her own and while reading this it is amply clear that she have not read or researched well about the Upanishadas, the Puranas and Bhagabat Geeta as well. It's all are school boyish explanations she had made and deserve the least attention and remark."
    Huh!! I defended her scholarship!! I just wrote only one long post in that thread, if I remember correctly.
    Dragon Ball
    Nah I remember your comments and your attitude and it was I who brought to your attention her comments about RK and SV. It was after I posted that and the other list of errors in her book, that you even came around to questioning her. Otherwise you were as usual a blind worshipper of all western "scholarship" as most Bengalis tend to be.
    The Bengali factor was brought in by a poster unnecessarily. And I was not angry, rather amused at his usual foolishness. Muslims are not necessarily good and Hindus are bad in my book. I was equally outraged by Wendy Doniger's book just as you would have been. I may not agree with Koenraad Elst's version of history always, but that does not make me an essentially Hindu hater.
    Dragon Ball
    You only got outraged about Wendy Doniger's book when it was brought to your attention her/students sullying Ramakrishna's relationship with Swami Vivekananda as homosexual exploitative one. Before that you were defending her as a scholar and felt contempt for the protestors. You only raise in defence when a Bengali is involved. Otherwise, you think it is all scholarship.
    I never attack on Hindus, are you really serious? Had you read my posts on Hinduism that I used to post like an idiot when I was new in this forum, you would not have said that. But leave it. U can say what ever u want abt Bengalis. I hv grown a thicker skin. Ha ha.
    Dragon Ball
    Well if you were thick skinned enough you would not have wrote the first comment. Anyway, I don't think I have read any posts from you speaking good about Hindus or Hinduism. In your book, the Muslims are victims and the Hindus innately evil. This is my objective observation. Right now rather this is the observation about 99% of Bengalis by rest of Hindu India.
    Easy, ma'am. Easy. Don't be so serious. I don't hate a Hindu nationalist. Just can't bear when my ethnicity is attacked.
    Dragon Ball
    Considering all you have done is attack Hindus and India's identity as a Hindu nation, I don't see what is so sacred about your ethnic identity. You hurt what is sacred to me, so I hurt what you hold dear.
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