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  • I see your from Austin. I looking at moving out their. what are some areas that have a decent Pakistani population, decent houses/neighborhoods, "safe", and generally a mixed population area to live (not any one race as majority/super majority)? I was thinking of Sugarland in Houston (I've been there, it looks nice; cookie cutter, but kinda boring), but I've been looking at Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth. Thanks
    If you are more of a family person and would like to be in another top area to live in, go to Frisco (outside of Dallas). I have a few Pakistani and Indian doctor friends, they tell everyone to live there, or in Austin as its awesome from all standpoint. Sugarland and Houston are older areas and pretty crappy.
    Are you in PAF higher command to what decision PAF have been taken:lol::enjoy: and why do you think J-20 variant is coming for PAF just speculations and wishful thinking of yours, there will be more chance that we will get a variant of FC-31 because its multirole 5th gen jet ad PAF prefer multi-role jets not a single mission jet like J-20
    Wishful thinking on my end. Happy? Thank me when you hear otherwise in a few years
    Ultima Thule
    Ultima Thule
    So you have no answer for me you just spreading a false rumours, if you have a solid prove than share it to us for your backup, what your source?
    Hello, I have found out the local price here in Pakistan of silver/brass handicrafts ranges from 10-100 dollars.
    How about you open up a thread and list pics and prices? Call that "Pakistani handi-art"? That way, we can discuss in more details. On this profile wall, there is little room to post anything. Thanks
    I'll do that soon and will tag u then :)
    Hello sir. I have a query to you regarding my business idea...How can I approach you?
    I can give you some idea on margin as I bought something like this recently. I am not in this business so you'd have to search online. I am sure there are a ton of people doing this as there is a huge ME, Indian, Pakistani and many other nationalities that like this kind of stuff.
    Thanks...I m trying to gather information on international market as for now...I have not much idea regarding prices of these items or of single set of item 10 but I think I'll check out item 10 so that I can get further advice from you regarding...What do u mean by margin over here?
    I know the price of similar stuff as I just bought it, once you tell me your price, I can share what I paid. So then you can understand if its cost effective for you to sell it or if someone else is already getting these things at a better price.
    I apologize for using rude language. I thought you were White man ridiculing Muslims.
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    Are you saying White men ridicule Muslim women? That's actually not true. A small percentage may be. But that's in any religion and culture. I've seen many other nationalities ridicule White men and women. My Indian friends think we (the White people) are dumb like a door knob. That's also not true
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    With all due respect. The last thing we need is an american teaching us about "morals".

    We want Italy secure. And we dont want become a hole like your country with no heritage, no culture and a big nothing. We actually have a past. And we want a good future.
    Are you sure you know proper history there amigo? We did crusades. Also, no one's your enemy but you, yourself. Learn to love. Go see your Pope and get some love, or find a girlfriend. Its not the world's issue that your women don't know how to treat men right and leave you guys frustrated. There were countless murders done by the Mafia people. Bad people are everywhere.
    I have a girlfriend. And stop twisting history. Muslims tried to invade Italy for hundeds of years. The pope can go to hell. The crusade was a good thing. It gave us some time to counter muslim agression. As i said, you are an american. You know nothing.
    I for sure know more than you. I guess that makes you a racist Italian who has no idea what the real issue is, he's just desperate. Start from home, tell your girlfriend you need more love. If she's good (majority of your women are total b********), she will change and you will start to sound happier. Gratis.
    DJ, You must report Mastan the next time he is rude towards you. That is the only way, he's been rude and obnoxious for way too long, just report him to Oscar or somebody like that.
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    I don't know what got into him. But its ok, I respect everyone and would like the same human treatment back. I hope he got that from my response. Thank you, I'll do it the next time if he doesn't stop.
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