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Recent content by culivert

  1. C

    TAPI Pipeline: Despite Security Issues, Bangladesh Expresses Interest

    Not really!! India will take delivery of gas at Afghan-Turkmen border by paying for the gas. What is left now is the transit fees which India needs to pay to Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Wheeling Charges that India needs to pay to the consortium operating the pipeline. The transit fee and...
  2. C

    India Developing, but still a long way to go

    National highway passing through Bihar
  3. C

    Pakistani Scientist Among 10 Global Thematic Icons of the Decade 2001-2010

    Losers creating new profiles and singing paeans for Mr. Rafi :D :D
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    Pakistan's real GDP may grow up to 3pc in FY11: State Bank

    What is the rate of population growth in Pakistan ?
  5. C

    Pakistan imports $3b Indian goods via Dubai

    @Ares No point talking about MFN status man. ice_man will probably again quote himself :D
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    Pakistan imports $3b Indian goods via Dubai

    Jana seriously do you even know how much clout does Shiv Sena have in Indian political scene. Not much outside Maharshtra and even there they are not in power currently. So stop raising Shiv Sena bogey just for the sake of it.
  7. C

    So What’s The China Deal with India & Vietnam?

    Vietnam GDP is not 0.96 Trillion but 0.09 Trillion.
  8. C

    Pakistani Scientist Among 10 Global Thematic Icons of the Decade 2001-2010

    From his CV I chose at random "MAGNETO-SECTORIAL MODEL (whatever the efff :D)" and "Foundation of Applied Medical Sciences, Kochi" to search. You guessed it right,the first one is probably from a Sci-fi Novel yet to be published by Mr. Rafi and the second place doesn't exist. This is one...
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    Shahid Javed Burki: Pakistan - South Asia's sick man

    Without any aid ? seriously ?
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    Pakistan Railways launches freight services

    Good for Pakistan.
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    Made in India Vehicles

    xMustiiej70 What part of "Made in India" you did not get?
  12. C

    Israel in photos

  13. C


    Terrorists involved had probably got their training in NWFP (or so Russia believes). So Russia's action makes sense.
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