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Recent content by cortomaltese

  1. cortomaltese

    Israel launches air strikes on Syria

    israeli fascism must be stopped .
  2. cortomaltese

    Jordan in photos

    great pics
  3. cortomaltese

    hmm.can u tell me some anyway
  4. cortomaltese

    any good jordanian forums?
  5. cortomaltese

    where can I download books about Jordan and it's history?
  6. cortomaltese

    what he said?
  7. cortomaltese

    why you dont have movies? xd it seems like a great country,from what Ive heard from my friends who visited Jordan.
  8. cortomaltese

    Queen. can you suggest me some Jordanian movies and music?
  9. cortomaltese

    any good sites for online learning arabic?
  10. cortomaltese

    thanks for all information. im going now,see you tomorrow :)
  11. cortomaltese

    craft jobs? like what? and what is salary if you knoo w?
  12. cortomaltese

    I don't like Israel. Are there many jobless people in Jordan? ehmm...and what about football in Jordan? :D
  13. cortomaltese

    which neighboor countries are in good relations with Jordan?
  14. cortomaltese

    I I am following her on facebook :) are there many poor people in Jordan? can foreign citizens attend Jordanian colleges? what is the situation between Jordan and Israel? p.s. do u have facebook?
  15. cortomaltese

    Jordanian Armed Forces JAF

    Come on that thread
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