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Recent content by Chinese Gandhi

  1. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    Ballistic missile (SRBM) travel >500 Km altitude by rocket thrust. MRBM/ ICMB have an apogee of 1200 KM outside atmosphere. As compared to that shaurya's apogee is about 40KM. You can make the difference as to why it is called hybrid and unique. Source:-wiki
  2. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    Thats about Its flight path. Its similar to a BGV. My bad. I should have mentioned BGV and not BGRV.
  3. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    Wikipedia:- http://news.in.msn.com/national/article.aspx?cp-documentid=3634496 http://ajaishukla.blogspot.com/2010/02/shaurya-surfaces-as-indias-underwater.html And the most undeniable source...
  4. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    That is incorrect sir. In fact it is exact opposite. Shaurya doesn't leave atmosphere and no ballistic missile does that. (Hence Hybrid). Plus pure ballistic missiles are at mercy of interception by BMD and follow plain and predictable parabolic path. Shaurya is more like a hypersonic aircraft...
  5. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    Any existing missile which travels at the speed of shourya (or more) leaves the atmosphere. Shaurya doesn't. That makes it unique.
  6. Chinese Gandhi

    Indian printers late in sending all textbooks

    Dudey Please enlighten us more on this.
  7. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    Shaurya is a hypersonic BGV (Boost Glide vehicle) Missile. Sort of a hybrid Ballistic and cruise missile. Remember Shaurya never leaves the atmosphere.
  8. Chinese Gandhi

    Made in Pakistan

    When are you planning to correct your flags??
  9. Chinese Gandhi

    Made in Pakistan

    Its not a helicopter. Its a kit built gyrocopter and it is commercially available in market at 1/16 the price that your media has reported fot it. Here, you can even but it on ebay:- LINK: Buy Gyrocopter on eBay
  10. Chinese Gandhi

    Pakistan 'concerned' over Indo-Russia nuclear, defence deals

    What sort of balance is he fantasizing?? There has always been an obvious imbalance in Indias favour, in civilian nuclear tech since decades.
  11. Chinese Gandhi

    Two Prithvi-II ballistic missiles test-fired

    The tests were announced in September 2010!! 3 months before Pakistan test fired its missile. P.S. Dont make yourself look like a retard. At least think before you post.
  12. Chinese Gandhi

    Russia interested in importing potatoes from Pakistan

    Not throwing dirt. Inzamam is a very talented batsman. Just the thing came to my mind based on a very famous incidence, I think in sharjah cup. Common man take it in good spirit.
  13. Chinese Gandhi

    This guy is a big time troll. Posting same things agian and again on different threads. Pics are...

    This guy is a big time troll. Posting same things agian and again on different threads. Pics are extremely "Gory" http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/85463-what-terrorizes-india-4.html#post1353438 http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-defence/85322-maos-great-leap-famine-5.html#post1353277...
  14. Chinese Gandhi


  15. Chinese Gandhi

    Made in Pakistan

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