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Recent content by Capt_ghalib

  1. Capt_ghalib

    LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

    TTP wants rule of Sharia in Pakistan. Why would a Hindu nationalist like Ajit Doval support such organisation? TTP growing stronger in Pakistan will not be a good thing wrt to complexities in Kashmir. If u really believe what u just wrote i have nothing more to say to you, logic wont cut ice...
  2. Capt_ghalib

    USA sceptic towards chinese economic development in Pakistan will bear fruits due to instability

    Look closer (the border on Indian side is blurry) its an amateur's work using photoshop not even an authentic map. If u still don't see the joke our sincere apologies.
  3. Capt_ghalib

    US given large dossiers of India’s role in subversive terrorist acts

    Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Pakistani government raised these allegations in UN and separately with Chinese government as well? My friend as I said before our point of view might differ on whether it was snub or not but the matter of the fact remains that whatever the allegations in...
  4. Capt_ghalib

    US given large dossiers of India’s role in subversive terrorist acts

    There is a difference between perspective and solid fact. Pakistan does not have a viable foreign policy can be an opinion which one can agree or disagree with while on the other hand USA declining to even comment on whether they have received any dossier against India is a FACT. Can u deny...
  5. Capt_ghalib

    CPEC a double edged sword???

    Does China require Pakistan's Scientific technology, expert labour or funds? Answer is big NO! All they need is an alternative/shortest route to middle east and it is the smartness of Chinese government that they have projected themselves as if they are doing it out of love and friendship to...
  6. Capt_ghalib

    Indo-Pak War 1965 (Pictures Only)

    That what everyone has been asking Pakistanis since the inception of this thread. What did you guys achieve? '65 your country provoked mine and got zilch result, on the other hand '71 we started war and the result is for the world to see in form of Bangladesh. Tell me do u have anything to show...
  7. Capt_ghalib

    Indo-Pak War 1965 (Pictures Only)

    Please go back one page and read the article @Peshwa posted sourced from your nations daily and based on a book written by your general. Chote ho koi baat nahi haar gaye to kya hua, ismein rone ki kya baat hai??
  8. Capt_ghalib

    Indo-Pak War 1965 (Pictures Only)

    It hurts because "1965 Pak victory" was infact destruction of Pakistani mard e momin army's pride and even @HttpError knows it, thats why he doesn't want repeat of 1965 even in his dreams. '71 was just an icing on the cake, but the reason Bangladesh's freedom was achieved so easily was the...
  9. Capt_ghalib

    Indo-Pak War 1965 (Pictures Only)

    Pakistani tanks from 1965!! We have 3 of those parked in Meerut cantonment, one of them was parked right in front of my old house and i used to wait for my school bus perched on top of it dreaming all sorts of patriotic things and bravery of Indian soldiers. Brought back some good old memories...
  10. Capt_ghalib

    Indian defence minister says Pakistan's submarine buying plans is not a big problem for India.

    What we stupid Yindoos don't know is they will.. Economic distress- Pish posh! Its China's duty to save Pakistan even if that would mean China going down with India and Pakistan. And then '47 ka, '65 ka, '71 ka, kargil ka gin gin ke badla lega Pakistan.. Ek baar 'abba' ko aane to dijiye...
  11. Capt_ghalib

    Why has Isis become popular in Kashmir and pakistan

    Brilliant!! Just too good. Posts like these make my sunday a fun day! And look how he calls the other sensible poster ( from myopic views of Pakistani nationalism) 'Dumass'!! Hence proved Flags > Pamphlets and Isis can air drop terrorists and other supplies directly in Kashmir without setting a...
  12. Capt_ghalib

    Why has Isis become popular in Kashmir and pakistan

    Isis can be a force in Syria or Iraq but in front of a professional army they are just another terrorist organisation which can be a nuisance but certainly not a major threat. When push comes to shove capable armies just cordon off the area and carpet bomb the terrorist's hideouts. IMO anyone...
  13. Capt_ghalib

    RAW was behind threatening SMS send to Zimbabwe Cricket Team

    BCCI is enough for isolating Pakistani Cricket team, we need not worry our intelligence agencies for that. And trust me you one diktat from BCCI(ICc) and ur favourite team will only be playing with Chinese cricket team for next decade.
  14. Capt_ghalib

    Travel Advice from defencepk to Indian forces:----

    Be careful what you wish for. Your view might be distorted owing your allegiance but 'Modi and his likes' represent those people who have risen from the bottom fighting against every hardship in life single handedly. Those who don't owe their success to family or money but shear hardwork and...
  15. Capt_ghalib

    Travel Advice from defencepk to Indian forces:----

    Sau chot sunar ki, ek luhaar ki!
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