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  1. Asaf Baloch

    New Introductions

    I was viewing i troductions as I am a new member myself i saw this link I have copied WHICH I FIND AN EXTREMELY SERIOUS ATTACK ON MY RELIGION "ISLAM" its posted by one of your members i think from india in 2015. Please arrange to remove this post and ban the user...
  2. Asaf Baloch

    Pakistan baseball team allowed to play matches against Isarel

    If its a baseball game then the score will be recorded as runs like cricket. I think there are innings in odd numbers between two teams whichever wins more wins the match.
  3. Asaf Baloch

    16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

    There are many more my friend. Both Bangladeshis and Pakistanis must get rid of hatred. Joy bangla, Pakistan zindabad
  4. Asaf Baloch

    16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

    Blessing in disguise? its as if a man was stripped naked and forced to run through a busy market place and his reaction be like "thank god those clothes are removed, it was so itchy, unfit and extremely uncomfortable". Should Pakistan had given eastern wing independence through votes or...
  5. Asaf Baloch

    16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

    In my opinion hatred towards Bengalis have roots back in 1857, soon after Indian mutiny (as the Britishers called it) lines were drawn by the British as to who is the superior martial race, since they learned the lesson and saw that the sepoys of East India Company who were of Bengali, south...
  6. Asaf Baloch

    Assassination of Ziaur Rahman

    Pakistan Bangladesh relations were also good when ershad was president, and if I am not wrong Pakistan gave Fighter planes (F7 I think) as gift to Bangladesh?
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