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Recent content by asaad-ul-islam

  1. A

    Long march Updates: Ends. Successful before sit-in

    I'm sure the same things have been said during the terms of Benazir Bhutto, Nawaz Sharif, Zia-ul-Haq, Zulfiqar Bhutto, and so forth. the truth is, there is no escaping the clutches of US influence, which has heavily infiltrated and influenced political-civil and military society, since the...
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    Long march Updates: Ends. Successful before sit-in

    well, I think it's become clear now that we have a state that can be called a "banana republic". one long march, and people think they've managed to remove a dictator through their demonstration. Now, this misleading thought of "victory for democracy" is the main driving force for yet another...
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    Aid conditional to AQ Khan access - US Bill

    the funny thing is, you'll soon see congress throw this bill in the trash and draft up a new one. they won't get the army to budge on this one, and they need the army in Pakistan to assure their stay in afghanistan, so do the math. actually it's unbelievable how stupid these people can be by...
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    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    A NOTE TO EVERYONE, PLEASE READ: I urge everyone to show restraint when posting news of future Pakistani developments. Please do not openly post pshamim's statements, especially on other forums besides Pakdef. He isn't comfortable with that, and only gives us news expecting it to stay within...
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    Too Many Secrets....

    india has been involved in our tribal areas and balochistan for a very long time now. They first initiated the arming of insurgents in balochistan and helped coordinate joint operations with KHAD (afghan intelligence at the time, now "officially" disbanded), and KGB to bomb and create panic in...
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    India to Deploy active Nuclear Defence within 2 years.

    This is a bunch of crap... "He said the new guidance system in the missile allowed it to tackle the maneuvers of enemy's incoming missile and could be used against the Russian Topol M class of missiles, which move in a zig-zag manner." it's impossible to hit a missile armed with a warhead...
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    Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

    I don't see why the mods do us all a favor and ban these people on sight! we shouldn't have to go through all these ridiculous arguments over and over again, they have been discussed to death. second, arguments of stupidity should automatically be deleted, and the poster banned.
  8. A

    We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

    [mod edit] again, they're facing the onslaught you and your afghani friends are sponsoring in our tribal areas! so much for afghani views on pashtunistan, should I tell you how afghani soldiers were massacred when they invaded our tribal areas? do you know what our tribals do to afghani soldiers...
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    We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

    [mod edit] no one is fighting for their rights there. otherwise we would see flags for pashtunistan. oh yeah, that's right, there are NO flags for pashtunistan, because the plan never even left paper! seriously, if only you could meet half of the members on this forum, who are pashtuns, [mod edit]
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    We don't need your advice: Muslim leader to Musharraf

    tell Maulana Madani, to get his people to fight for their rights if he doesn't need our help. why is there no ruckus? if indian muslims are doing so good, why is there a compelling need for them to start blogs, websites, foundations, charitiable organizations, and sympathy sessions for the state...
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    I am Punjabi

    you do realize he was being sarcastic, right? it's thoughts like this that will be the end of us, and the end of the ummah as a whole.
  12. A

    For Indian war planners, is the PAF their worst fear?

    I have already asked you to give proof of a test of a 2500km missile. There is none. There is a 2000km missile. That is established. You seem more keen to prove that there is a longer ranged missile in Pakistan's inventory than to prove your statement that BM's can and will be used for a massive...
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    For Indian war planners, is the PAF their worst fear?

    Now your deliberately trying to change the issue. Where in the topic are we mentioning about surgical strikes or punitive actions? STICK TO THE TOPIC. If you dont have a valid argument then dont post, its better than posting and spreading stupidity, which you are currently doing. How is...
  14. A

    For Indian war planners, is the PAF their worst fear?

    Insofar i dont give a damn whether your word is as good as Gold yes, you still live in an imaginative world, where you can just conduct "surgical strikes" on Pakistani territory to "punish" us, just like the rest of your ignorant countrymen. Have i mentioned that i dotn accept that Shaheen...
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    For Indian war planners, is the PAF their worst fear?

    Which missile of 2500km range has Pakistan tested? And second, please read up on any independent source on the number of missiles possesed by Pakistan. you have no knowledge of that, please do not make claims from like this. it's okay to let your imagination and bollywood movies take over...
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