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  1. andylrd

    Winner of China's English speech contest, Uighur student Tughluk from Tsinghua university

    I guess it doesn't matter, even so. Half-Uighur + Half-Han to make a "Full-Uighur" is fine. He can choose to be a Uighur or a Han (often by the parents of course). Good for him/ her.
  2. andylrd

    Births in China Fall to Lowest Level in Nearly Six Decades

    Haha... have to be. This generation still have to fight, hope next generation don't. We are Chinese, aren't we? Gotta admire Singapore on housing. But the model is too hard to copy in other countries, especially one as big as China. By the way, all your cars sell at such g**damn high prices...
  3. andylrd

    Births in China Fall to Lowest Level in Nearly Six Decades

    In GuangDong province, a worker normally earns about 4000-5000 RMB averagely a month, which is about 550-700 USD. Also depends on which city you are in. For example, a worker earns 6000-8000 in Shenzhen, 6000-7000 in Guangzhou, 5000-6000 in Dongguan, and less in some other cities more far away...
  4. andylrd


  5. andylrd

    Chinese Urban Workers' Pay Soared 11% to USD12,000 Last Year

    中国HSR干的不错。刘志军贪了不少,其实也贡献了不少。 其实国企私企,没有本质上的差别。 不过是老板(们)不一样而已。所以改革得好比姓什么重要得多。 话说外派工作拿的钱是多些,甚至翻番,其实也辛苦。去条件越艰苦的地方,收入越高。有个在华为做的兄弟,外派去东欧,东南亚国家,也还好。又去了几次非洲,一次赚几十万回来,还是不愿再出去了。现在宁愿老实呆在深圳东莞两地,倒也过得安稳些。中国的月亮其实挺圆。
  6. andylrd

    Chinese Urban Workers' Pay Soared 11% to USD12,000 Last Year

    放给私企去做,价格翻了几倍 - 没错,有这样的风险。你以为留国企就得低? 石油是国企的,你加油翻了几倍,十年前2.5左右可以加油的?土地也是姓国,十年前300-400元一平,现在拿地就13000-14000(我这个地方的)。不过这是正常的,我不觉得姓国的就不应该涨,或者姓私的涨了就是坑爹。 不谈社会公平性而论各家物价高低涨落,有失公允。我不必996, 我也不觉得物价低。我也亲戚在国企,待遇有好有坏,也就那样。当然了,我没有个每月赚>USD8000+的老豆在国企上班,所以我不知道在那里有多high. 强调效率和国企享受补贴的论点早就不流行了 -...
  7. andylrd

    Chinese Urban Workers' Pay Soared 11% to USD12,000 Last Year

    Of course not all the SOEs should go to privatization. Some strategic sections should never do. But you say that I just single out some "bad looking" SOE as sample, is really picking. Need more examples? Too many. Do you ever receive good products/price competitive/outstanding service from...
  8. andylrd

    Chinese Urban Workers' Pay Soared 11% to USD12,000 Last Year

    Yes, that is weird and not good. The 2:1 wage got gap is too wide. Even SOE pays more tax than private sector to the government, doesn't smell good. 中国烟草 pays hug tax to government, but think what real good does it do to the development of the country? 中国一汽 too, what innovation or good products...
  9. andylrd

    Ahead of U.S.-China trade talks, Xi writes to Trump

    Not continue ruling, but start to rule at that time, when china already build up strong enough (not necessary NO.1, but relative strong enough). Maybe someone like him. .... It is not that US start to contain china since 2009, not 1989..., not even 1949. As China ever exist, US will "contain"...
  10. andylrd

    Ahead of U.S.-China trade talks, Xi writes to Trump

    You are right. Everyone knows this logic, and this is how the world operates. Finally, no matter how we convince US, it will still kind of treat us as enermy. No doubt. But how we interact is important. My point is, take control of your mind and meditate. If fight is to be fought, then fight at...
  11. andylrd

    Ahead of U.S.-China trade talks, Xi writes to Trump

    "moronic explanation"? symptoms of "sick man of asia"? "hanjian"? Please don't reply me, thanks! Chinese businessmen told Trump that? Quite weird. If so, really stupid. But I really don't believe there are many chinese people take a such stance, we are not so stupid or arrogant to that point...
  12. andylrd

    Ahead of U.S.-China trade talks, Xi writes to Trump

    Xi is not a peasant, luckily, though Mao was. Xi is just too proud, too hurry. He will learn.
  13. andylrd

    Ahead of U.S.-China trade talks, Xi writes to Trump

    Can't be sure about that. We China can't afford a total relation deterioration with US, in my opinion, though US would also lose hugely. The deal will be made, we will blink first. Our laws will be amended according to US requirement, compromises will be made. Never mind, but I really hope Xi...
  14. andylrd

    Italy’s plan to join BRI a ‘wise choice’

    Italy is kind of funny.... hahaha.. let me laugh for a while. “反水的意大利,反哪那赢”。。。 Simply means that Italy has a "tradition" of betrayal. Look at WWI and WWII... And strangely, they always successfully picked up the winning side in the end!
  15. andylrd

    Self-driving tours increasingly popular in China

    Too many cars in China. I am 16 minutes late for work again today. My car moved 30 centimeters in 30 minutes...
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