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Recent content by AmrSingh

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    Afghan diplomat shot dead at consulate in Pakistan's Karachi

    Very unfortunate. My prayers and condolences with the family of deceased.
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    Earthquake in North India.

    One can expect anything better from such people. They have to drag their hatred for Indian into such a unfortunate incident.
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    Earthquake in North India.

    That is an understatement.
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    Earthquake in North India.

    Wow do you not have any consideration for the people harmed? Your first message should be one of consolation and prayer. Show some humanity for once.
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    Earthquake in North India.

    Damn hope everything is alright. Was there allot of damage caused by the earth quake?
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    Scorched earth: Farmer misery worsens in Sri lanka

    This will require tons of resources. Hopefully something will be done to alleviate the situation at hand.
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    Scorched earth: Farmer misery worsens in Sri lanka

    That is a South Asian problem. Our governments and politicians are very slow to do anything.
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    Scorched earth: Farmer misery worsens in Sri lanka

    But we must also control population growth too. These temporary measures will only work for short time.
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    Scorched earth: Farmer misery worsens in Sri lanka

    Very unfortunate. Hopefully things will recover in Sri Lanka and all will be well soon.
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    Pak censor board blocks release of Raees as content ‘undermines Islam’

    Pakistanis portray Muslims as terrorists in their films but according to their logic that's not giving Islam a bad image. But when Indians do the same then we're bad.
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    Pak censor board blocks release of Raees as content ‘undermines Islam’

    Lol good point. Can any Pakistani explain why they can portray Muslims as terrorists in their own films but we Indians are bad for doing the same? Can Pakistanis explain this logic?
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    Pak censor board blocks release of Raees as content ‘undermines Islam’

    SRK is naive but we will make things normal again. This is just a temporary drawback. So many Pakistanis and Indians intermarrying that war is now less likely. Relations will return to normal again.
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    Pak censor board blocks release of Raees as content ‘undermines Islam’

    This is bad man. We need more cultural exchange between the two countries. Cultural exchange will establish strong relations between the people's of both nations and thus creat understanding and love. This will prevent any more wars between us. Love will prevail.
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    Pak censor board blocks release of Raees as content ‘undermines Islam’

    I agree. This was completely unnecessary and will harm relations between common peoples of both nations.
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    Pak censor board blocks release of Raees as content ‘undermines Islam’

    It reinforces the made up view that Muslims are terrorists. That is what my Pakistani wife told me.
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