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    Our Trip to India

    Indians don't like hearing truth about their country. That's why India never progress.
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    Iran agrees to take all oil payments from India in rupees

    Iran is screwed. That's why they are forced to use a collapsing currency such as the Rupee.
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    George Zimmerman found not guilty

    The decline of America continues. It's a country that has no rule of law. Just laws for whites to protect whites. Modern day Nazis. American economy collapses because of karma. Go black people. America is without doubt the most racist country on earth. Bunch of white supremacists. Fcuk the...
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    2 Chinese choppers violate Indian airspace

    But the Muslims inserted their genes in Hindu DNA. 1000 years of rule.
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    Bondage labor in India

    As bad as it is here in China, it's about a 100 times worse in India.
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    Why can't we manufacture weapons ourselves asks Modi

    If Indians are allowed to troll, we are allowed to respond in no uncertain terms.
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    2 Chinese choppers violate Indian airspace

    We invade India whenever we want and India powerless to stop it. The like how Israel invades Arab countries and they are powerless to stop Israel. Indians and Arabs are treated like dirt.
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    Bondage labor in India

    India is a sick country. Absolutely disgusting. Thanks for the eye-opening article OP :cheers:
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    What is the Indian government doing to stop this currency collapse? I'm talking about major structural reforms, not things like using forex reserves to prop up the Rupee in the short-term.
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    Russian Proton-M Rocket Explodes On Take-Off

    Wrong. Without China, the US would have lost to Japan. It was the CPC that defeated the Japanese thus letting America finish the Japanese off. We liberated East Asia of Japan. We took the confidence after destroying Japan and destroyed the US in the Korean War.
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    India becomes part of regional trading bloc despite Chinese opposition

    This is a total lie. China has always supported this bloc and wanting to expand so that it can rival the US-led TPP. India needs to stop being paranoid. China wanted India in this bloc from the start, whoever says otherwise is trying to stir up trouble.
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    Indian consumers are smart, they are buying gold which preserves their wealth. They buy gold not only historical reasons but because of inflation. The worse the currency falls more people will buy gold. India needs to export more, not stop gold imports. You are dealing with the symptoms, not the...
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    India is going to need major structural reforms to get out of this. China has been forced into major structural reforms to change the economic structure and I think India will need to do the same. India needs to build up its savings, manufacture more, export more, run current account surpluses...
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    Indian rupee falls second time in two weeks

    Trade is part of the current account balance.
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    Putin V/s Obama (Hilarious)

    Putin is the baddest dude walking on this planet. He is a leader of men.
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